Discussion: Texas Elector Resigns: Trump Is Not Qualified And I Cannot Vote For Him

While the rest of you eat Skittles for dinner.


Thatā€™s because we are looking down on him. He is in a position where he actually has the power to do something proactive about his conviction that Trump is unqualified by voting against him, instead he is abdicating his responsibility and attempting to wash his hands of the matter.


STPD, eh? Is that pronounced ā€œstupidā€? Asking for a friend. :smiley:


By resigning he is voting for Trump. He needs to stay and vote for Clinton.


Tomorrow at 3 AM, a quasi medicated Donald Trump will hesitate before tweeting " Sisneros, heā€™s a Mexican, and he hates me because I am agonna build a Wall. And he belongs to that La Raza group that Roger and Steve and Rudy tell me is bad, besides meaning The Race. Which is White Genocide. And a hate group. I won the popular and electoral vote. I am the King." while feeling the guilt restraint about his Trump U judge, until he remembers that he just settled all those cases for a cool $25Million, and lets his Twitter rip.


Trump is a Prince of Lies, in the image of his Master.

Christianity, taken seriously, is not a joke. Itā€™s even rather a good religion. We need to learn to speak in its metaphors. Hillary, herself a serious Christian, should have called out Trump as Evil ā€“ which in Biblical terms he clearly is.


Iā€™m so fucking sick of people and their principles that seem to be limited to protecting their own fee fees.


What a freaking idiotic reason. Separation of Church and State doesnt seem much to these wingnuts.


Heā€™s not voting FOR Clinton, BTW, just against orange.

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Doofus. If you want to take a moral stand, vote for someone else and pay the fine (is there one in Texas?). Abdicating so someone else votes for you is just #Sad.


No stopping you from having a word with this guy. Go for it.


Yup, STPD is the real Acronymā€¦apt for Mr. Trump.

The Skittles for dinner part threw me. Am I missing something? Never been a fan of Skittles but who cares if people want them for dinner? Is that a bad thing? Iā€™m missing his meaning it seems.

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All conscientious Americans should be lobbying for the Trump electors to switch to Hillary. And Obama and Clinton should be leading the charge out on the streets, if necessary.

But theyā€™re gutless and so they wonā€™t, and weā€™re screwed.

ā€œBiblically qualifiedā€ sounds like a thing - and apparently, it is. Itā€™s described here:


A quick review shows that PE Trump just doesnā€™t cut it. I wonder what other religious and the Evangelical community would say if they had to answer for his qualifications.

That saidā€¦ Iā€™m not sure I want a member of the Electoral College asking if Trump is ā€œbiblically qualifiedā€ to hold secular office. Weā€™re not a theocracy.


Thanks for nothing, Elector.


If the framers had in mind that the electors would overrule the public vote in the case of an unqualified winner, then requiring that the electors be ā€œpledgedā€ to a certain candidate seems unconstitutional, doesnā€™t it? Either the EC has a real purpose, or it should be eliminated.


However mystical and backwards it may seem to some of us, if Trump is unworthy of service this guyā€™s moral universe then his faith has helped bring him to the right conclusion. Fact is, he reached that conclusion himself; he simply believes the Bible confirms it, like it does a lot of our basic moral assumptions. Secular people see that Trumpā€™s a bad man, good Christians see that heā€™s a bad man. Letā€™s not pretend that faith is a stand-in for morality, itā€™s just a framework.

As for his cowardice, faithless electors necessarily undermine the process. I wouldnā€™t want my elector to backstab me. Sisneros seems to take his position solemnly, which is only right. It would take many more rebels than him alone to turn this ship around, and that would mean blood in the streets.

On the other hand, Iā€™d like to see the Electoral College disgraced, dismantled and consigned to the dustbin of history. If electors are in such a position that they are completely beholden to their votersā€™ mandates, then why exactly do we even have them? (To keep the cities from running the country?) We have a mandate of nearly two million souls for the loser. Perhaps a more seasoned poli sci buff can fill me in on the benefits of this system, as there must be some good reason for it to persist, right? When was the last time the EC saved this country from a dangerous popular vote?


Heā€™s not doing that, either. Heā€™s just looking the other way and expects to get a cookie for it.


Glad to see that the cream of crop, the brightest of their generations, is working at all echelons of American society.