Ghee dude, couldn’t you at least hung in there to vote HRC…
“I do not see how Donald Trump is biblically qualified to serve in the office of the Presidency. Of the hundreds of angry messages that I have received, not one has made a convincing case from scripture otherwise,” he wrote on his blog “The Blessed Path.” “If Trump is not qualified and my role, both morally and historically, as an elected official is to vote my conscience, then I can not and will not vote for Donald Trump for President. I believe voting for Trump would bring dishonor to God.”
christonastick, I’m not sure what works better:
- The Lord works in mysterious ways; or
- Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then.
Oh, right, he’s Mexican/American and he’s in Texas, so he’s rightfully terrified of voting his conscience. He’s pulling out the Bible as his defense against just being labeled a coward. He also knows he has a well justified concern of being shot if he doesn’t vote as the majority in Texas did. He’s probably received death threats already. Poor bastard.
Biblically qualified? Does not eat shellfish? Not wearing mixed fibers?
I would have preferred him voting his conscience, but I suppose The Rapist’s anger when he hears this will suffice.
Edited–I made the mistake of referring to the orange asshole by his name. I fixed that mistake.
And meanwhile elector of Florida Pam Bondi will happily vote for the man who bribed her with parking meter money. But you stood up for your conscience by quitting and running away - here’s your trophy!
Give the man his due. He’s exercising the courage of his convictions. Abusing him does make it seem we’re looking down on him.
Oh FFS, of all the real reasons & this is what got to him?
You are right. Better than most, but sheesh!
Am glad he spoke out, but would have preferred a vote against. That would be actual courage.
I’m sure Cruz was “biblically qualified”, that is, a true Dominionist.
How the hell does the GOP even find these nutcases to put into serious office? I know, I know, I live in Texas.
No. Religion is a private matter in this country, goddamnit. Trump’s religion is irrelevant to whether he can serve well as President. If people kept their god-damn religion to themselves and didn’t try to create a god-damn theocracy in a country that explicitly rejects that we’d be a shit-ton better off. So screw his convictions. And I do look down on him.
There is a zero percent chance he would vote for the Whore of Babylon herself.
a hero in his own mind.
What pussy would Jesus grab?
The way I see it, if we’re going to say the electoral vote is what matters then you need to accept that electors can pick whomever they deem to be the best candidate. The situation we’re in now is exactly the sort of calamitous emergency the framers had in mind when they devised this Rube Goldberg system. So for electors to abdicate that responsibility, to say “I can’t vote for him but I can’t vote for her, either” is BS.
It’s been this way the whole damn way: people knew he was a disaster but they clung to their tribalism or simply threw up their hands because they weren’t willing to do the dirty work of actually stopping him. Those same people will gloat about the key part they played when the Trump presidency implodes - and I refuse to let them.
“Constitutional Review”
Would that case be heard before or after a couple of DJT’s nominees are installed on the court?
The fine will be executed.
Dear Mr. Sisneros;
You were voted in as an Elector via the only legal means provided to select Electors. If another individual is selected to take your place, that person will not have been legally selected. Further, this exact situation is the express purpose of your office—the Electors of the Electoral College are supposed to use their judgment to vote for the best candidate available. The very idea of ‘pledging’ to vote for a particular candidate in advance was such anathema to the ideals of the Founders that when it began to happen, a Constitutional Amendment was introduced with the intent of making it illegal—one that failed only because of how rapidly political parties became entrenched in the legislatures and the Congress, almost as soon as Washington was out of office. You, sir, and precisely this behavior of what amounts to campaign promises being taken as somehow requiring you to abrogate and abdicate your sworn duty under the Constitution, are the cancer that eats at our Democracy.
THIS IS THE JOB YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DO, SIR. You were supposed to exercise your judgment, and not to simply follow in lockstep with the voters of your state. That is why, as the system is designed, it was supposed to be your name, not that of your party’s candidate, on the ballot. You are a coward, sir, and as the Bible does not lay out any criteria for the office of the President of the United States, and the Constitution of the United States does not cite any ‘Biblical’ qualifications for that office, your entire rationale is that of a coward: hiding behind what you perceive to be an unassailable ‘it’s my religion’ fig leaf that even the most theologically-ignorant child could see through.
First you pervert the structure the Founders put in place with the Constitution, being chosen as one of your party’s slate of Electors without your name ever appearing on the ballot, or the voters of your State ever having the opportunity to ask themselves “is this a man whose judgment I trust to represent my interests, not my desires?”. Then, you are such a rank coward that you cannot even perform the ONE FUNCTION of your office: to declare who you believe is the better candidate for the Presidency, while simultaneously justifying your incompetence… by declaring one of the primary contenders to be unfit for the job.
Think about that for a moment, sir: You are refusing to exercise your judgment… because you’re exercising your judgment? ARE YOU MAD, SIR? Are you utterly, utterly insane? The statement you are making publically is precisely what your country requires of you in the service of your office. That you can say it now, but not when it matters… this is not principle, sir. This is shameful. This is a betrayal of every single principle of both our system of government, and the faith you profess to believe in. Does not the Bible tell us that yes, we are our brothers’ keepers? Are we not called upon to not only lead by example and refuse to do evil, but also to refuse to intentionally place others at risk of doing that same evil? Your God, sir, if he exists, would be ashamed of your spineless need to salve your own conscience, no matter what the cost to others. For he who would save his life will lose it, sir, and here you act for no reason but to preserve yourself.
Art Sisneros, you are a coward, a fraud, and both a poor American and a poor human being. You should be made to crawl upon your belly in the presence of better men and women. Better an honest Trump supporter than a craven worm like you.
Ironic ain’t it?
Newswire2016: 11/28/16, (updated at 9:18 AM)
Donald Trump’s Schizotypal Personality Disorder Symptoms
Donald Trump’s behavior has revealed a severe mental illness, on a clinical basis. He’s exhibited enough of the symptoms of Schizotypal Personality to warrant being labeled as suffering from the disorder. “Schizotypal personality disorder (STPD) or schizotypal disorder is a mental disorder characterized by severe social anxiety, paranoia, and often unconventional beliefs.” Donald’s thin skin is legend at this point, and proof of his severe social anxiety. His paranoia on full display as he pushes baseless conspiracy theories, aka ‘unconventional beliefs,’ in a desperate attempt to defend his broken ego. Observers of this are asking if “the Electoral College is going to vote this whack job into the Presidency?” Suggesting that electing him the Presidency “is crazier than Trump himself.”