Is this fool even old enough to hold office? What is he, 12? Is this a student council office?
Herr Whitley should be sent packing. NO NAZIS!!!
Texas is not sending its best people…
Certainly no surprise here.
Seems the federal rebuke is considered a positive w/ the GOP.
I kept reading his name as Whitey.
What cataclysm has to take place to dislodge such an obvious criminally rigged system? What will it take to make a vote like that 4 to 3 against his nomination? Thor’s Hammer? A burning bush?
A plea to TX voters…find out specifically who is pushing for and who will benefit by having this man in this role…it sure is not going to benefit the electorate to have a concerted effort by criminals currently in office to thwart the vote going forward. Once identified,fight for your future and vote them out.
When you limit the pool to Republicans, yes they are.
I believe stirring up false allegations and creating hysteria over non-existent voter fraud is considered to be the resume requirement for this job in Texas.
I don’t think you understand no amount of writing, complaining, marching, has done a damn thing to rid us of Cruz, Cornyn, or Burgess, the only thing that will is to vote them out.
You see this on a National level in the GOP today, they will go down with the ship.
Luckily he needs 2/3 of the texas senate, and more than 1/3 of its members are democrats.
It’s the Jared Kushner effect.
Well, I often say to people from Washington who question what we send up there: You should see what we’ve got back home. - Molly Ivins