Discussion: Texas Cop To Reporter: 'You Act Like A Whore, You Get Treated Like One!'

This brilliant logic should presumably apply to men as well. Since men want to be able to go into combat civilian males should be allowed to shoot each other in the head if they want.

But I think the point is you’re not supposed to actually think about what he’s saying. The proper response is an indignant “Fuck yeah!” and then you go on to shout out some other completed unrelated grievance of your own. E.g.: “Just like the damn immigrants now think they can come to this country and get welfare for sitting on their asses!” It’s a very special kind of reasoning.


Cop culture is sick. That’s why it is insufficient to just test applicants for psychological suitability. They get onto the force, and as part of the acculturation process they start to adopt the common mentality of the veterans: us against them, petty use of authority to establish ego, racism, sexism, resentment about the pay vs. perceived difficulty of the job, etc. It probably doesn’t take long for most new cops to descend into the mire. I suspect the number that can resist for more than a few years is fairly small.


This commenting system is stunningly awful.


What? I do not believe that Texas has a monopoly on sexism, or bad cops. In Austin, a cop makes a sexist comment and is out the door by Friday. That is 20 years earlier than would happen in Spokane, WA, where I live.


Responding to an outrageously sexist comment with a relatively mild one almost makes your good point moot. Comparing someone to a girl is not an insult and it shouldn’t be used as one.


The two police officers that were joking about rape were suspended for a few days? How about they be fired. Can you imagine sending one of them to help a rape victim someplace. Yikes.


Trust us, we know.

In an update to her story, Diaz reported that Petrowski retired from the force on Friday.

And then he promptly went home to beat his wife.
This guy sounds like a typical domestic abuser.

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Why so?

“To protect and serve” huh?

You’re absolutely right,

I edited to read cry like a baby.

My bad.


Your “ones” keep stacking up higher and higher.


And the police unions WONDER why they ‘don’t get no respect’? ACT like a dbag, get treated like one.


Diaz said she recently played the audio for Austin’s police chief, who said the officer "has no business being a cop.

Yes, that would be a waste of his talent. He should be teaching advanced logic at Liberty University.


A champion of the officer, even. Feminazis! Run for your life! Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh…

And who will start it up with the fundraising for the officer? How long before that’s all in the news?

And will there be a witless 40?

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Another tough guy. I’ve known people like this my whole life. Talk big and then fold up like a cheap suit.


Actually I think this guy was a rocket surgeon.


“An’ this here is our most librul city!”


Right after “EVERYONE in a state” DENOUNCES that one dumb move.

If you’re not part of the solution…you’re part of the problem.