Paxton needs to resign.
Ironically, this would be something like reason number 137 for that corrupt bastard.
Nonetheless, the secretary of state instructed local officials to vet the list themselves by sending notices to suspected noncitizen voters requiring they show proof of citizenship. Those who don’t respond to the notice within 30 days can then be removed from the voter rolls, under the secretary of state’s guidance.
He’s probably very proud of himself for finding another way to cage and purge what is presumably a particularly Democratic-leaning segment there, more-or-less recently naturalized citizens.
I can’t see how this would survive Supreme Court scrutiny under the Voting Rights Act…
Sure is a good thing voting isn’t explicitly recognized as a constitutional right, or else some folks might be looking at some long federal time.
Embarrassment? Embarrassment! No, Fake News is the Embarrassment!
Republican politics is so putrid in TX. Paxton has been indicted on felony charges yet remains in office. He’s an unethical, criminal douche bag, and he’s dumber than a box of rocks.
Yep, yep - Republicans did the same thing in New Mexico, back in the Bush (the Lesser) admin, when somehow they got both an R governor and secretary of state. “64,000 cases” of “voter fraud” right off the bat, with “more to follow.” But never did, and those 64,000 fell apart into … a possible 2 or 3. Later, the R SoS had to leave office for prison, on account of gambling in the casinos with campaign contributions.
I.E…Republican Qualifications
Sociopathic tendencies considered a Plus
Trump has shown the GOP that obvious lies are just as good as facts to their “base”. They’re unable to tell the difference and predisposed to believe the lie. Pointing out the lie and trying to correct the record is a noble endeavor, but will not change a single mind.
THIS is their playbook going forward.
They were elected in 2010, weren’t they?
Paging Chief Justice Roberts…
I know voter lists are public records, but shouldn’t this level of sloppiness be considered invasion of privacy?
Has anyone ever gone to jail for voter disenfranchisement?
So the political party that believes government is the problem wants to take their deliberate ineptitude out on voters.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. Insanely large number proves to be bogus.
Chief Justice Roberts is the gift that keeps on giving to the Grand Old Party, champions of voter suppression.
They fucked up with this whole goddamn thing. That’s the story. They should have never released these numbers that had no basis in fact.
Now that’s all over the news here - that this whole thing was a mistake.
All the Justices on the Supreme Court that voted to eviserate the Voting Rights Act should resign. Along with their resignation, I would like them to share with all of us their thinking. They caused this mess.