Discussion for article #237966
It won’t work.
I hope you’re arrested and charged with being an ignorant ass.
If Democrats had realized you can just ignore the Supreme Court, Al Gore could have been President of 20 states.
If one can’t perform their job duties for any reason, there is a remedy: fire them.
What with screeching about Jade Helm 15 and thinking there are abandoned IS prayer rugs all up and down the Rio Grande and wailing and running in circles over gay marriage, I’m beginning to think of a certain type of Texan as being much more prone to panic and hysteria than I would have ever imagined. It’s embarrassing, frankly, I mean guys, come on, toughen up and pull yourselves together.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Sunday told county clerks
in the state that they can refuse to issue marriage licenses
to gay couples if the clerk religiously objects to same-sex marriage.
Our AG Paxton is going to be a very busy man, until he backs down.
Pity. We used to be just a corporatist-RWNJ state.
Now we’re going all Christianist-RWNJ too.
(Greg Abbott is a manipulable simp.)
Here come the boycotts!
I wonder what he would say if a Muslim clerk at DMV refused to give women driver’s licences?
That? Is very good.
My religion forbids working on even-numbered days or in months with a R. I am hoping for a job in Texas state government,
It’s a great gig in the Texas Lege-- to wit (from Wiki):
The Texas Legislature meets in regular session on the
second Tuesday in January of each odd-numbered year.[1]
The Texas Constitution limits the regular session to 140 calendar days.
Pay sucks, but the bennies are pretty good I’d bet.
And how is this not an establishment of religion? Oh, wait, I forgot – the free exercise clause is only there to permit the imposition of certain self-righteous hypocrites views onto others. Mind-boggling.
They can refuse to issue licenses, but only if they hold their fingers in their ears and say “la la la I can’t hear you la la la”.
Babies. Who elects these people? Texas is just crazy.
The butt-hurt is strong with this one.
So , you have been told by your ’ church ’ it is against God’s Law to issue licences to gay people . HOWEVER , God hasn’t sent thunderbolts and lightning to kill gays . Therefore , you can issue licences to gay couples .
Ole Ken Paxton, he’s a Good Ole Boy. He’s the Texas AG.
Let’s imagine Ole Ken’s reaction to “a Texas statute enacted in 1840 [that] guaranteed rights that women have had ever since: to own separate property (the personal effects, real estate, and stocks and bonds possessed at the time of marriage) and to share equally with their husbands the wealth amassed during marriage.”(1)
Good Ole Boy Ken’s reaction: County clerks, judges and justices of peace could deny women property rights for religious reasons, arguing that the legislature did not abolish religious liberty (2).
Ole Ken Paxton, in his non-binding legal opinion, he’s a Good Ole Boy, would add that “numerous lawyers” would be made available at taxpayer expense to defend public officials refusing to grant women property rights.
(1) https://tshaonline.org/handboo…
(2) 1 Timothy 2:11-15 “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.”
See Loving v. Virginia, 1967 (Yes, i was that recent, 1967.)
“Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967),[1] is a landmark civil rights decision of the United States Supreme Court, which invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage.
The case was brought by Mildred Loving, a black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, who had been sentenced to a year in prison in Virginia for marrying each other. Their marriage violated the state’s anti-miscegenation statute, the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which prohibited marriage between people classified as “white” and people classified as “colored”. The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision determined that this prohibition was unconstitutional, reversing Pace v. Alabama (1883) and ending all race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States.”
So, the Texas AG would argue that, since any white racist who asserted that the “mixing of the races” was against their “Christian Faith”, these white racist “Christians” could refuse marriage licenses to mixed race couples and the taxpayers would support all challenges to the “newly minted Supreme Court decision” to allow the marriage of blacks and whites based on “religious freedom”. Maybe 1967 wasn’t that long ago, … or the Texas AG is living in the racist past.
I’m assuming the AG will offer equal protection to clerks who refuse to issue marriage licenses to couples of different races or religions, or for that matter, refuse on the basis of any number of hocus-pocus beliefs. This moron has no idea what an illegal can of worms he’s opening.
I would recommend that individuals who do not want to serve the public be disqualified or disqualify themselves from becoming civil servants.
When you’re hired by tax payers to provide public services, you should expect to serve the public. Providing services to the public is a condition of hire, a condition of employment.
If your conscience does not allow you to serve the public, then you should not seek employment in the public sector.
It’s just that simple.
So, Mr Paxton says that the local clerks can use their own personally created religious filter to guide their interpretation of their official duties. Wow! Does this mean that Catholic judges can ignore statute and case law and refuse to grant divorces? Or, can a DMV clerk refuse to issue driver’s licenses to women if his or her local pastor says that women should not be allowed behind the wheel? Ot how about a local magistrate that happens to be baptist… can he arbitrarily decide that in matters between members of his sect and any other person of another religion that his decision will always favor the baptist because they are ‘better people’?
Texas really is turning into a banana republic, isn’t it?
It is un-American for a government employee to refuse a legal service to a citizen. Once again, Texas proves it does not have American values.