Discussion: Tennessee Lawmakers Claim They Were Tricked Into Supporting Resolution Honoring KKK Leader

“It’s sickening, it’s underhanded, it’s conniving, it’s crafty, it’s shady,” It’s the GOP.

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Republican Rep. Mike Sparks, who sponsored both resolutions honoring Forrest, initially dismissed concerns that he hadn’t explained the content of his resolution to his colleagues before the vote. But he offered an apology on the House floor on Thursday.

“I’m not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings, not trying to use any trickery, or all kind of problems,” he said. “To my colleagues in the Black Caucus, if anybody’s offended, I apologize to y’all.”

Why in the 21st century we still a$$holes who pull this crap? “To my colleagues in the Black Caucus, if anybody’s offended, I apologize to y’all.” If does not belong in an apology. The measure to honor Forrest was defeated earlier. Why did Rep. Sparks want to honor the first Grand Wizard of the KKK anyway?

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Unfortunately this is still not enough to take the “Stupid/Evil State Legislature Crown” from my home state of North Carolina