Discussion: Tennessee GOPer: It's Time For 'An NAAWP In This Country'

My Outrage-O-Meter is barely registering this one. I think it’s been worn out by TPM’s consistent reposting of the same story with different minor Republican officials.


Why does it seem that “Christian” and “liar,” seem to go together so often?


Ahh, she just described the KKK.


O would a pile of toxic drudge stink so high?

We already had the pre-Civil War thru Reconstruction And Two WWs Into the Civil Rights Act Democrats, and even now we got the post Philadelphia Miss GOP. And your current friendly race-baiting hate group NAAWP is alive and well and puttin’ on a show on its very own foxy news channel 24/7!

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if we could take the focus off of race, as I am convinced The Lord does, we could better solve the problems

I think she means 60s TV mom Marjorie Lord.

(But, and this is a large but, I must insist, people, that we not make Ms. Butt the butt of jokes or endorse her close familiarity with assholes both literal and metaphoric.)

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I can’t decide…Jen Selter or Jennifer Lawrence…thoughts?

“It saddens me that we have come to a place in our society where every comment by a conservative Christian is automatically scrutinized as being racist.”

So STFU and problem solved.

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Spanish and Italians are slightly darker skinned and would count as Western, but yes.

The general pool of “Western” peoples and “White” peoples are pretty much the same.

Certainly very few white people in any grouping other than Western, I would have thought.

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National Association for the Advancement of Western People ? She’s really dumb enough to not know that South and Central America are in the western hemisphere, but the education could rattle her badly.


Already done: Fox News, the Koch Bros, legacies and nepotism. (Oh, sorry, I didn’t bother to read the article, assumed she was talking about the advancement of white people, not western people. Was she referring to Europeans or cowboys?)

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I was feeling guilty for initial reaction to her hair, make-up and fashion choice, and of course her name … but then I read what she said. She deserves all the derision that intelligent and caring people care to let loose on her sorry ass.

“I have no idea why that’s been taken so out of context,” Butt said.

Right, that would make you either a total idiot or a liar.

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Skate…with blades provided and sharpened by a somnolent MSM.


It’s called White Aryan Resistance, lady.


An awful lot of Tennessee white people rejected advancement a long time ago.

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There already is a NAAWP. It was founded by David Duke.

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Western peoples could equal Wyoming, also very white.

There is certainly room for a NAAthe1% since the truly disadvantaged are those blamed for having “everything” when all they really have is 99% of it all.

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A Google search of “National Association for the Advancement of Western Peoples" yields barely two pages of occurrences, with every single entry in relation to Butt’s use of the term. It literally has never been seen before her bigoted outburst. I call shenanigans.


Oh please, lady…just Butt Out.

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My thoughts exactly.