Discussion: Tennessee GOPer Hits Back At Corker: The Senate Is An 'Adult Day Care Center'


I’m sorry you have to live around such people as you do in Tennessee. I started to type that I am sorry you have to live in Tennessee, but it is a beautiful place.

Sally Jessy Raphael has not aged well.

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She’s wearing flag spanx.


It’s time for the people of this country to show the Republican Party the Door and start voting Democrats into office if they ever want to see this country get back on the right track. Since Ronald Reagan became President back in 1980 our country has been in a downward spiral and moving further to the far right that it now to the Extreme and a disaster. It’s time to elect Democrats in the mold of FDR if voters really want to MAGA.


We must be loyal! We must be loyal to the Party, the Party is everything, the Party is Life!

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So much for Reagan’s eleventh commandment. Jeez. These Goopers are all falling apart at the seams, aren’t they? Everything they do in response to some truth-telling, even by someone in their own party, is met with suspicion and outright hate. The political posturing never ends with these pukes. Its no wonder they don’t recognize truth when it hits them upside their own heads.


Let’s just hope when this fool eventually drops out of running for Governor she doesn’t try running for the Greatest Deliberative Adult Day Care Center the world has ever known as a U.S. Senator.

How much you wanna bet that’ll happen though?

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Welcome to the 2017 Republican Party

Motto: "I know you are, but what am I?"


“Look, if you talk about an adult day care center, I’m sorry but I think the Senate is an adult day care center. They can’t get anything done over there. we have been waiting for repeal and replace.”

That’s quite an indictment on the Republican Senate Majority. Day care in the WH. Day care in the Senate. Republicans everywhere in Washington simply require so much adult supervision, and can’t be trusted with the responsibilities of governing. .

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And the House is worse.

Mealy mouthed vestige of the 40s says what?

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If any face ever said “I have a stick in my ass”, Ms. Black’s face does.


Talk is cheap. Resign, retire or switch parties.

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I detest having to say she is right, but she is correct.
The Constitution has not many flaws which have not been addressed over time and (sadly) thru much adversity.
But I do believe that one incremental change becomes more and more needed as time goes on.
The Constitution needs an Amendment establishing a retirement age for All Constitutional Officers of the United States. And that age ought to be set at seventy-five years of age. This would include the Supreme Court, removing lifetime tenure for both the Office of Chief Justice and the Associate Justices.
To be blunt. frank and somewhat brutal, many in both major parties who have gifted themselves with “lifetime jobs” in Congress via corruption of Incumbency (such as Gerrymandering) and a state of affairs where incumbents spend more time fundraising than they do legislating, requires the installation of another form of “safety valve” to ensure that new voices, new Ideas, are swept in, and the corruption that can inure with a system of ossification can be removed.

Perhaps the wording might run something like this:
Retirement of Constitutional Officers
1.All Constitutional Officers of The United States shall retire from stipulated Offices with full entitled emoluments, as established by Congress, upon attaining or surpassing their seventy-fifth year of age.
2. All persons not yet having attained their seventy-fifth year of age shall be fully entitled to election or appointment to Constitutional Offices, subject to legal qualifications and shall be eligible to serve as Constitutional Offices until such time as they have attained their seventy-fifth year of age.
3. Congress shall have the Power to enforce this article by appropiate legislation.

I was thinking eighth grade cafeteria, but the exercise seems grossly unfair to even kindergarteners.

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What a silly idea.

This post is offensive.

Yes, it is.
By design.

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Oh yeah? Double back at ya!

This looks like the expressions I used to see in my Mother’s adult care center.