Dame Edna strikes back…
“You’re stupid.”
“No, you are stupid.”
“Trump’s rubber and Corker’s glue. Nanny-nanny boo-boo-boo.”
PS – Where is her GOP-mandated flag pin???
Is that all you got? Repeat the same line?! What a moron! Oh wait, that’s the other guy with the tiny hands.
She obviously just hates America.
“Look, if you talk about an adult day care center, I’m sorry but I think the Senate is an adult day care center. They can’t get anything done over there. we have been waiting for repeal and replace.”
I live in Tennessee. Diane Black is almost as smart as Marsha Blackburn, who is almost as smart as Michele Bachmann, who is almost as smart as Sarah Palin.
Remind me again how many GOP-led attempts to repeal Obamacare emerged from the House of Reps during the Obama presidency? What was the purpose of that if not to quiet the crying GOP babies?
What do you call any one of them holding a helium-filled balloon?
Jump onto this ship. Excellent idea. Great job, good effort.
I’m not a puppet! You’re a puppet!
Oooooooooooooo, BURN!
Rep. Diane Black (R-TN), a candidate for governor in Tennessee, was not pleased with her fellow Tennessean Sen. Bob Corker’s comment that the White House is an “adult day care center.”
“Look, if you talk about an adult day care center, I’m sorry but I think the Senate is an adult day care center."
Which is why Marsha Blackburn wants in?
Imagine thinking this is such a great comeback you need to rush out and use it in an interview.