Discussion: Tenn. Bill That Lets Counselors Deny Service To LGBT People Heads To Guv

And what people want to go to a counselor that is hostile? It would be apparent. WTF?

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Wow. Talk about codifying assholery.

I can’t imagine anyone would want to/try to work with a therapist that doesn’t want to treat them based on that patients core attributes.

That being said the legislation should actually require therapists to list all the things they won’t treat based on their beliefs. That way no-one will make the mistake of trying to see them and the market can decide how viable their practice is.

Of course that would lead to “self limiting” therapists to complain that they aren’t getting insurance reimbursements or tax credits or what ever because of their religious beliefs so maybe not opening that can of worms in the first place is the most responsible choice.

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True. And it’s fucking ridiculous. If you’re hired in the private sector or for a government agency, etc., do your damn job already.

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The current onslaught of anti-gay legislation across the nation is no coincidence. Clearly there is a directive from ALEC, the Koch Brothers, et al. sent out to their minions to spread more hate.

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The fact that these bills are all coming at once clearly indicates a concerted effort. It is no coincidence.


Had my daughter at 8 months fall 20 feet onto concrete, the nearest hospital was across the parking lot, maybe 150 feet. They turned my wife and child away because our insurance card stated that coverage began the next day, about 5 hours later. So she headed to the nearest public hospital some 20 miles away. Daughter was diagnosed with a concussion that resulted in brain damage. At the time we could not find a lawyer that would take the case. That was Texas 1978.

It could also be a sign that tolerance is winning. I see the same possibility in the renewed focus on policing and Black Lives Matters.

The discrimination, discomfort, hate has always been there, but now that more people are paying attention and trying to make our society more equitable there is increased push back.

Somehow I don’t think Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist counselors, who sincerely don’t even pretend to follow Jesus Christ or care about His word and example, are the intended beneficiaries.

This sort of case is precisely the reason that EMTALA was enacted. I’m sorry it was too late for your daughter.

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That sounds nice in principle, but only in a world where the law is equally applied. Just like how in Florida “Stand Your Ground” only applies if you’re white (based on how often it is successfully used by white vs black defendants) this is one of those laws that White Straight Christian folks would have no problem hiding behind, but Tennessee juries would find “just silly” the first time the scenario you describe to was brought to trial.

I know, right? Who in that legislature looked at NC and said, “Yeah, we want to get some of that…”

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Tennessee: We even like some black folks, as long as they hate the queers.