Discussion: Tempers Likely To Soar In Summer Congressional Session

Of course temperatures will soar. Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas. With all the GOPer’s bovine excrement there must gigatons of CH4 being produced.

Why is the FAA in this list? How do members of Congress get home? Is it by subway or bus? Perchance by train? How do the people that ‘matter’ ($$$$$) travel? The FAA will be done and done quickly 
 these self-serving swine hate it when voters vote their own self interest but they do it all the time. When VIP’s get around in vacuum tubes THEN I’ll worry about the FAA being authorized.

I think we should recycle some of the old Soviet jokes. There was the one about the two government ministers that met on a bus 
 there is no punch line, that is the joke.

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I’m SHOCKED that they can reach a compromise to take six weeks out of their well deserved summer vacation to try to do some actual work

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“Every time you vote Republican, a nut gets its wings.”


Paul “Lofty Rhetoric” Ryan is, and always was, a poseur and a charlatan. AP is desperately trying to decorate a turd by applying appliquĂ©s.


'abbreviated 6-week summertime session '
JHC. Do these people EVER work? DO tell us how you can’t confirm a SC Justice? Or do fk all for this COUNTRY. I am beyond disgusted with these 'holes.


Six weeks? Congress adjourns after only six weeks during the summer? We citizens deserve more out of our employees than that!

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A battle over a House plan to spin off responsibility for air traffic control operations to a private, nonprofit corporation has the House and Senate at an impasse.

Is there any way to privatize Congress, I mean officially?

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For an interesting summer, we need to get someone to spike the AC in chambers.

Proof positive that the GOP establishment, for all intents and purposes, no longer exists. In years past, something like this wouldn’t have gained nearly as much steam in a presidential election year. Now, it just doesn’t matter because no one has enough control over the freaks to at least present some semblance of being able to govern.

In a presidential election year

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gop can’t govern.

When I hear Lofty I think of a barn’s upper floor covered in batshit.

He ain’t gonna do shit in the House, other than wasting time with a not-so-hidden electioneering agenda by him and his members in order to aid the GOP messaging machine. They’ll bring up the same old usual dead-end legislation they’ve tried to pass every other fucking time they’ve been in session. Of course, that’s merely done for a GOP incumbent in need a campaign boost, who seems desperate for another wingnut talking point to prove his true conservatism to his/her constituency. Otherwise, no one really gives a shit what the House does or doesn’t get accomplished anymore. Certainly the media has lost sight of how utterly failed they are at doing anything on time and for the public good.

For actual pressing issues that need absolute attention, RAyn will be lucky if he can get anything passed, and if he does, just like Boner, it will come down to the wire and pass at the very last minute after all other poison pill amendments have been added and taken out, in order for must-pass legislation to move forward. In the meantime, expect one or two sidetracked purposeless tries at fucking with Obamacare again or offering some goodie to some rich corporation.

We’ve seen this same inaction and failure at legislating for years
and its not about to change now with RAyn at the helm. This guy is seriously lacking no matter how much the Goopers like to tout him as their legislative wonk or guru. He sucks at pretending to be even remotely believable or earnest at getting anything done to benefit most Americans, other than the small slice of the electorate that tends to vote Republican.

isn’t that the Koch Bros plan?

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“Or instead of trapping people in poverty, we can get them on the ladder of opportunity, reward work, open our economy so everyone can make the most of their lives.”

Whew! Finally someone is going to solve poverty. Who knew the answer was lofty rhetoric devoid of any practical proposal?