… and a Joyeux No-Wall to everyone!
The picture of Trump in a fog says it all! “Does this mean I can leave for Mar-a-Lago? The Secret Service still have to protect me, right? Even on the golf course?!!”
Congratulations, GOP. You brought this on yourselves (and the rest of the nation). Here’s hoping it permanently destroys your treason caucus.
And, the House and Senate are waiting around DC to see if there will be some compromise bill that tRump will sign? That’s my understanding.
What I had never seen mentioned until last night on another site was that the $5 billion is for a wall a little over 200 miles long. Not exactly spanning the border.
F*ck walls.
There have been government shutdowns before. Sometimes by accident, when Congress just didn’t get the appropriations passed in time. Sometimes in a fit of congressional pique because some congressperson felt miffed at the President. Sometimes when Congress wanted to make a point about their “power of the purse” to the President. Reagan previously shut down the government by refusing to sign appropriations bills that contained spending he was opposed to. But this is, as far as I know, the only time the government has been shut down in a Trumper Tantrum™ by a President who didn’t get a pony for Christmas.
Supposedly if the govt. shut down, the stable genius was going to remain in DC.Think I’d heard Melania was already in Florida. If he stays, tRump will clearly be wandering the halls and hanging out with the Red tree ghouls and making anyone still in the WH totally miserable.
Yes, but think of all the beautiful tweets he’ll give us.
He’s fighting with Melania and wanted an excuse to stay in DC?
Fighting with the whole world. He’s not going to get out of this huge hole he’s dug and needs to be gone yesterday.
He’s fighting with EVERYONE.
EDIT: Coke to ajm!
EDIT2: I meant zillacop… hell it’s Xmas, cokes for everyone!
From a column by Janan Ganesh of the FT:
You would not guess from the present acrimony that more people have immigrated to the US from Asia than from Latin America in every year since 2010. Or that, over the same period, two of the four countries with the largest net immigration to the US were China and India.
Over the same period, the US has accepted more refugees from Asia than from Europe, Latin America and Africa put together. And Asians are projected to become the largest share of the overall US immigrant population by the middle of the century.
Projections are always vulnerable to events, of course. Border controls have cut the number of Latin American arrivals, as has the gradual enrichment and stabilisation of Mexico. These developments are eminently reversible.
But as it is, the evidence, sifted by Pew researchers and by William Frey of the Brookings Institution, is unmistakable. After decades of neuralgia about “Hispanisation”, the future of the US seems to hinge at least as much on its Asians: their voting habits, their culture, their relations with other Americans. The wall, unless it is built around airports to the tune of 40,000 vertical feet, is a non-factor in their arrival.
“Steel Slat Barrier” with spikes
Finally, something to do with all of those unsold Ivanka shoes.
This seems like a teachable moment, run the funding of the government through the shut down agencies.
If only we had a teachable President…
The Dumpster got the word from Jared that Erdogon’s check cleared, so he removed the troops from Syria!
God bless the Kurd’s fighting for America! A minority of Americans elected a MORON! Merry Christmas?