Discussion for article #231261
Mitt Romney is a war hero? Was that the War on Dogs?
War on the 47%
Cruz is right.
A moderate like Jeb would probably lose big.
But he’d definitely do better than a scary nut like Cruz.
I suppose he means the two years Romney spent knocking on doors, trying to get the French to become Mormons. Took a lot of guts, you ask me.
HE’s GOING to CRUZ to VIctorY bECAUSE HE’s GOING to GEt the SUPPort OF the MExicANS, MILLENNIALs, and JEWs. ALL threE tradITIONALy conservative GROUPS.
That’s OK, Ted, Apparently objecting to budget bills leads to 24 Obama appointments.
Hey, he fought in the battle for the souls of the Parisian gentiles, for Pete’s sake!
And heaven knows he blew up more infrastructure at Bain than Crash McCain ever managed before he got himself shot down.
Whereas if the GOP nominates Cruz in 2016, that means whoever runs against him becomes President.
“If we nominate a [nother] candidate in the mold of a Herman Cain or a Rick Santorum or a Newt Gingrich — and let me be clear, all three of those men, they’re bad men, they’re ridiculous men, they’re unworthy men, they’re men of low-character, they’re war chicken hawks — but what they did didn’t work,” “It did not succeed. And if we nominate another candidate in that same mold, [like Ted Cruz] the same voters who stayed home in 2008 and 2012 will stay home in 2016, and Hillary Clinton is the next president.”
JEws FOR CRUZ!1!!1!!!one!!!
Picking Ted means even I become President.
Please run, Ted.
This is excellent news!!! FOR HILLARY!!!
Ted’s message is clear: We tried goodness, honor, decency, and character, and it didn’t work. So pick me.
Shorter Cruz: Jeb can beat me like a drum.
If Hillary runs and wins the nomination she’ll be President regardless of which podunk Republican runs.
“Bob Dole or a John McCain or a Mitt Romney — and let me be clear, all three of those men, they’re good men, they’re honorable men, they’re decent men, they’re men of character, they’re war heroes”
Romney is a war hero? Does he really think that? Of course, making Ted Cruz the nominee, that will make it so easy for Republicans to win the White House, right? Amirite?
Run, Ted, run!
Especially since becoming Mormon meant giving up wine and coffee. Talk about a hard sell.