Discussion: Ted Cruz Wins Iowa Caucus

Discussion for article #245363

Good lord.


I bet trump feels like he ate a cat turd.
I mean Alpha boy came in second. Aww, poor boy, nobody to blame but himself aww.


After this defeat, Trump’s campaign will be bleeding out of its… whatever.


“Cruz was able to effectively knock down frontrunner Trump by capturing the appetite for an outsider and mobilizing an extensive ground game operation that included housing for out-of-state volunteers in the days and weeks leading up to the first-in-the-nation contest and an ambitious and meticulous county-by-county travel schedule.”

Says who? Exactly who has determined that this is how Cruz won within minutes of the caucus results?

The media at it’s lowest, again.

Having said that, I’m appalled that Cruz won. Glad that Iowa caucus results are usually wrong.


It’s a good night for the Democrats, then!



Cruz won the REPUBLICAN caucus It says nothing about the democratic side. It was only among republicans.

I haven’t lived a good enough life that I should get to see a Ted Cruz presidential nomination. So I have to think that Iowa Republicans are continuing their streak of picking a non-nominee (last two were Huckabee and Santorum) in their caucuses.


Drump goes full-birther on Cruz in 5, 4, 3, 2…


Feel the Cruzmentum? It is unstoppable, much like that feeling in my bowels after too much Taco Bell.


Need to head out the door for popcorn. I’ll have to buy the family size, I think.

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It shows where the base is tho. They are looking outsider here (as is the Democrats) Hillary should be 25 points ahead of Bernie!!! neck and neck…says VOLUMES!!!

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Having more of Cruz in the future is going to suck, but at least, for now, we get to say:
“Trump, You’re a LOSER! You’re FIRED.”


Right along with the Justice Dept. indictment 3, 2, 1

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Now, this seems like the traditional Iowa GOP outcome.
Cruz joins a list of Iowa winners who eventually become losers: Bachman, Santorum, and Huckabee.


That will take out Christie, then

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The Dems are tied 50 - 50 with the Socialist and the probable Federally indicted HRC…Trouble in paradise!

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So much for Josh Marshall’s “sinking feelling”!!!

He was just subconciously anticipating his “Dewey Wins!” moment

Your absolutely correct…Lets get on with it shall we? Enough of these hangers on… a distraction quite honestly!

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