Discussion: Ted Cruz Will Fight To Deport More Undocumented Youth

Discussion for article #225195

Excellent. The headlines write themselves: “Latinos: Your cultural representatives in the Obama Party are people like Julian Castro and Thomas Perez. GOP spokesman Senator Ted Cruz wants to deport you, your friends, and neighbors. Which party affiliation are you going to mark in '14 and '16”?


Got your Cubanadian birth certificate, Rafael, 'ey?


REPEAT UNTIL YOU COMPREHEND: All high-level politicians in the former U.S. today are PSYCHOPATHS AND WHORES who are in it solely for the money and power. Aspiring to or holding high level office today is proof positive of the psychological and moral unfitness of the given person to hold high public office. This axiom transcends and applies equally to the facades known as the Republican and Democrat parties, and any and all antagonism between the two is nothing more than KABUKI THEATER. None of them are trustworthy. None of them are honest actors. NONE.

You know, with the right hat, Ted Cruz does closely resemble the child catcher for Baron Bomburst in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang … just sayin.

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And Cruz will once again accomplish nothing, except to gain more notoriety, which is all that he really wants anyway.


A cut-n-paste tin foil troll. Haven’t see one of those on TPM for awhile.


Compassionate Conservatism? Makes as much sense as Loving Rape.


Is that you Ralph?

Thanks so much for GWB in 2000. 'Cause yeah, he was just the same as Gore would have been.

Yes, the system sucks and favors the wealthy, but there is a difference, big difference, between the two parties.


Ted Cruz is a chancre on the body politic.

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Even if that were entirely true, it’s by no means clear that you (or I) are exceptions to that characterization. (Tell me you’re not trying to grab power by saying that sort of thing.) And if it were true, where would that leave us?

Thomas Hobbes, in chapter XIII of Leviathan, illustrates the dilemma of extreme Libertarian anarchy:

Hereby it is manifest that during the time men live without a common Power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called War; and such a war as is of every man against every man. […]

In such condition there is no place for Industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continual Fear, and danger of violent death; And the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Wikipedia

Sound like fun? Not sure I’m all that interested in Stone Age living, Fred.

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From your keyboard to the DNC.

I want to hear from Dem Congressman Cuellar who turned on the 2008 law and his party and joined up with Rep Senator John Cornyn. I want to know what he has to say now? They set him up and like a Jr. congressman he fell for it hook, line and sinker. I wonder what his Hispanic bro’s and sister’s will think of him now.


I’m sorry, but Cruz won’t actually fight to deport more young Latinos. He won’t pony up the money to make sure that we can deport anyone. As far as he’s concerned, let them all rot in detention facilities as long as he doesn’t have to pony up a cent to do anything with them.


What unmitigated horsecrap.



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What you really want is maternity testing. This man has no claim to American citizenship except through his purported Mom. If the DNA doesn’t match, he’s nothing but an overage Dreamer.

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Let me see if I’ve got this right-the guy born in Canada to an American mother and Cuban father hates immigration? Why is it that, much like Black Republicans, Latino Republicans hate their own the most? I guess the desire to be “White” trumps all else.


We had (have?) a prime example here at TPM.
Resident troll Hugh_Everett / foolmemore (and wouldn’t be surprised if he was also xenophobe NickDanger).
Latino; self-loathing-- and, of his own culture.
Crazier still is his hyper-narcissism.
Guessing that his selection of a genius caucasian avatar/ID was the mirror within which he saw himself.


He’s just prejudiced because we are talking about born children. If these were fetuses , surely he would be demanding that they stay.