Discussion: Ted Cruz Slams ESPN For Firing Schilling Over Anti-Trans Meme

Was this shared on the guy’s own facebook account? If so, as mean-spirited as the meme may be, seems a bit heavy handed to fire him.

Ted, you are a disgusting POS. SOMETIMES it’s better not to open your bigoted, homophobic mouth.


ESPN wants to be a sports, not a political media outlet. ESPN told Schilling and the rest of its employees not to make controversial or political public comments. Curt had already been suspended from his job for previous controversial statements and knew termination was a possibility if he refused to abide their rules. He decided to not abide their rules after being warned, his firing is not heavy handed or unexpected.


CaN THE GaY GEt tHEIR OWn bathroom? I’m WEIRDEd OUT That THEY aRE LOOKING at MY PeniS.


Of course he did.
What did you expect from a Theocratic Fascist who is busy fleecing the Religious Rubes to get elected?
He is CONVINCED that God created him to be President, and he has convinced a lot of idiots that is true too, reality be-damned.
This is just an easy thing for him to say to ingratiate himself deeper with the End-Timers and those for whom the 20th Century was just too much too fast.
Sad really.


“ESPN fired Curt Schilling for making the rather obvious point that we shouldn’t allow grown male adult strangers alone in a bathroom with little girls," the Texas senator said in a Thursday interview on Glenn Beck’s radio show. "That’s a point anyone who is rational should understand.”

We don’t allow that, Senator. That’s a point anyone who is rational should understand.


If “bathroom bills” can “save one little girl…we should do it.”

But common-sense gun-safety bills?

Which could save millions of kids?

And “a point anyone who is rational should understand”?

Busy-body, nanny-state, big-government encroachment on individual liberty.


Ever notice that no one ever complains about trans women going in to male restrooms . What about the little boys ?

Such hypocrites


Ted, I look forward to the day when you are fired as well.


Ted Cruz is a lying piece of human excrement, evil incarnate IMHO.


Like this one?


OK thanks that does add some important context. However, the idea of an employer monitoring employees social media accounts, and warning then firing them if they don’t like or agree with what they post, doesn’t seem very free speech friendly.

If Ted Cruz and the like reject government interference in the “free market”, why can’t ESPN make a purely business decision that Schilling is bad for their brand? Inquiring minds want to know.


You can drop the IMHO. It’s proven fact.

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Suddenly visualized a cross-over with one of them toddler militia bills…

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There is a very, very long history in how the world perceives men vs. woman who are LGBT.


Aw, c’mon Count. Schilling’s cake hole just opened one too many times for ESPN and it said go be a boor on Facebook. It wasn’t ‘political correctness.’ He dug his own grave with his big mouth.

Are you telling me that if some guy worked for you and said to your face that your daughters were looking at a sterling future on the stripper pole that you wouldn’t fire him? Puh-leeeze.


One, he is not a typical employee, he is a public figure and part of the “face” of ESPN’s brand.
Two, I doubt it took intesive monitoring of his online presence, I’m sure they recieved complaints from customers.
Three, ESPN is not the government, so they are not prohibited from limiting free speech.


Schilling has a habit of shooting off his mouth. This time it caught up with him.