Discussion: Ted Cruz S.C. Co-Chair Wanted To Impeach Federal Judge Over Gay Marriage

Discussion for article #236015

McCarthy had his Roy Cohn, Alberta Rafael has Sen. Bright


Bright isn’t the best name for this guy.


He’s from South Carolina. Frightening thing is that in SC he’s the equivalent of a Rhodes Scholar.


I wish they’d stop with this impeachment crap. It’s tiresome and loathsome and just downright idiotic.


“Part of the genius of the framers of our Constitution was allowing for the now 50 states to be laboratories of democracy, to adopt and reflect different policy choices state by state.”

Part of the genius of the framers of our Constitution was setting baselines for the inalienable rights that all citizens of this country enjoy, thereby allowing for the now 50 states to be laboratories of democracy, to adopt and reflect different policy choices state by state WITHIN REASON.

FIFY, you putrid sack of pandering filth.

Everyone wants to talk about how smart this fucking jackass is, well fine…if he’s that smart, then he knows he’s wrong and he knows he’s lying. At least the ignorant rubes he’s manipulating…some of them anyway…don’t know any better and therefore have an excuse. Him…no excuse. Ergo, no quarter.


“Because, as I said, I’m a cartoon of a consti-toon-tionalist, Cruz told the Blade…”

FIFY, you fucking smarmy pile of pig slop.


“Constitutional Conservative” = “Only the 2nd and 10th Amendments apply”

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He’s an old-fashioned light bulb kind of guy…


…who puts the emphasis on ENDORSES rather than on the subject of the endorsement

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So, Rafael, if states are “laboratories of democracy,” how does it follow that democratic (small case) laboratories are permitted to be discriminatory?


Dimmest one on the tree.

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Ted Cruz is one twisted dude. The Cubacanadian who illegally immigrated to the US.

There is one thing you can count on with Ted Cruz - complete hypocrisy and of course complete incompetence.

Hey Teddy, how about inter-racial marriage? Should states be allowed to ban a marriage between a Cuban (that would be you Teddy) and a white Caucasian female (that would be your wife).


Ted Cruz has a dream – to unite the Huckabee kooks and the Rand Paul kooks into a single mighty political force and roooool the world!

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New recipe for the GOTP

imPeaches’n’ sCream.
Perfect dessert after a big meal of BBQ’ed RabidFox.

In other words, “anyone that doesn’t believe in our biblical bullshit must be impeached!”

AND, “anyone that doesn’t vote for me and my biblical bullshit party, needs their voting rights taken away!”

See, I have learned gop/bag speak.


Rep. Bright isn’t very.

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I loathe Sen. Cruz as much as the next poster, but how on earth has he “illegally immigrated to the US”? His mother was an American citizen, thus Cruz is a national born American citizen, no matter which city is the place of his birth (remember John McCain, born in Panama?).

There are enough terrible things about Cruz which are true; there is no need to invent additional stuff. Please lets leave that type of electioneering to the Republicans.


Plus the “religious freedom” part of the First Amendment – but only for Christians. And “real” Christians at that, not those pinko Christians.

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I wonder if he favors the continued production of the older, less efficient incandescent bulbs. This has been an article of faith among wing nuts in particular Michelle Bachman.