Discussion: Ted Cruz Projected Winner Of Kansas GOP Primary DO NOT PUB

Probably because Le Page endorsed Drumpf.


I’m generally pretty cautious in my optimism, but I am starting to think that the Republicans may be well and truly fucked. Because it seems like two of the most likely outcomes at this point are Trump as Republican nominee, or one of the others as the Republican nominee, and Trump running as an independent.* And in the latter scenario, I think it’s entirely possible that not only does the Democratic nominee win in a landslide, but Trump could very well come in second, with the Republican nominee coming in a distant, crushing third.

[*If one of the others can manage to arrive at the convention with at least a bare plurality aand they are nominated, then I could see Trump bowing out. But Trump has a clear plurality at the convention, but they nominate someone else – in that scenario I am just having a very hard time imagining Trump walking away from the Presidential race voluntarily.]


Most people posting here are not thinking snark at all


Looks like Miss Lindsey has decided to give Rafael a chance

Coming soon from Pat Frank: What’s the Matter With Kansas: Revisited.

A short work. Just one page once you get past the copyright notice, the also by, the dedication, the table of contents, and the foreword. At the risk of violating the fair use rule by quoting the entire text, it is as follows:

"So all that shit I said before? Forget it. What’s really wrong with Kansas? They’re all fucking masochists, that’s what. The really bad kind who need therapy and won’t get it. Every goddamn one of them. They like having the shit kicked out of them by big beefy guys in leather. The only porn they watch on the Internet is the second person humiliation stuff. They run cables from the battery through the firewalls of their cars and drive around with them clamped to their nipples. Every morning. They listen only to Lawrence Welk and Slim Whitman and all their hold music is by Kenny G.

They can’t get enough punishment. They are all worthless worms who can’t be sufficiently harmed to satisfy their need for punishment.

Sorry about making you wade though all that other stuff in the last book. I figured there just had to be a more reasonable explanation but I was wrong. Christ, I don’t know, maybe the corn pollen or all the flatness just bakes their noodles and creates this need for pain.

Okay. Done now. That is all.


He went on to say: “The scream you hear, the howl that comes from Washington D.C. is utter terror at what we the people are doing together."

that would be Mitch McConnell

Rubio is inexperienced and wet behind the ears, and he has a lot of baggage. When he does try to appeal to crowds of an older demographic, they’ve been known to sneer at his youth because they say they have grandchildren that are older than he is. And who wants to see his grandchild run for president.

When was the last time you heard a chorus of leading figures from a major political party saying FOR GOD’S SAKE DON’T VOTE FOR THE FRONTRUNNER WE BEG OF YOU and so forth? They know they’re fucked. They’re scrambling desperately to bring about some least-disastrous scenario that no impartial observer can even see, never mind figure out how they get to. They built this brick by brick over decades. Karma, man.


Only because Cruz promised to play Ricky to Graham’s Lucy.


And I suspect there’s a lot more of it lurking in the mud. Murmurs and whispers at this stage, but


LePage went from condemning Trump to endorsing him in the space of about a week. He realized they were soul mates sharing bigotry and xenophobia, and he decided to own it.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see McConnell and Grassley backtrack on denying a hearing to an Obama nomination for SCOTUS when they realize that Clinton is positioned to win and the Senate is also positioned to revert to Democratic control. They might settle for the moderate that the president will soon put forward rather than be subjected to a more liberal nominee from Clinton. Big business is also showing signs they believe that a continuing 4-4 court does them no good.


You’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.

Dorothy should thank that tornado for removing her from the place. Dorothy did pretty well for herself in the years following that fateful wind
 at least in the books written by Gregory Maguire.

In the meantime, Donald’s asking for people to pledge that they’ll vote for him! Don’t those rallies look like oodles of fun? Ein blowhard, ein volk!"


Not me. Cruz is just another nasty Republican, whom Clinton can easily defeat in the usual way. Trump, though I feel he might be a bigger loser in the general, had some small, faint chance of being a black swan.

The only downside to Cruz is that he might not do the sort of down-ballot harm that Trump likely will.

But, en fin, it still looks like Tr ump will be their nominee.

Leni Riefenstahl took much better pictures of adoring crowds.

There won’t be nearly enough space behind the desk in the Oval Office for these. Melania will bring her decorating skills, however, and it’ll be French provincial all over the place.

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That’s a misleading title: there has always and ever been a strong streak of authoritarianism in America. It’s just now becoming so painfully obvious that it can’t be hidden behind the curtain any more.

That is a scenario I have considered, but it would take some pretty convincing and large margin polling to show they are doomed in Nov. for that to occur.

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And I will add for other readers – if that article piques your interest, you may want to check out Bob Altemeyer’s “The Authoritarians,” an insightful, thoroughly researched – and surprisingly fun to read book You can read or download it for free here:


(Also available from Amazon, as a audiobook, etc
but since it’s available to read/download for free, if you’re interested you might as well check it out that way first.)

It’s written for a non-academic audience, but is based on Prof. Altemeyer’s decades of in-depth research into Right Wing Authoritarianism (RWA). And it doesn’t focus so much on authoritarian leaders – would-be dictators are a dime a dozen – but instead focuses mainly on authoritarian followers. Hit a critical mass of of people with an authoritarian follower worldview, and they will come out of the woodwork for a “Strong Leader”
even one as ridiculous as Donald Trump.

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I am not overly found of that article’s title It is simplistic and a bit hyperbolic. But the actual content of the article is an important read.