Well, that’s helpful.
He must’ve slept through Sandy and Katrina. Fuck that smarmy asshole.
Someone get Michael Brown on the phone!
What’s really hard to believe is that this asshole won 40% of the Hispanic vote when he ran for the Senate. Isn’t Houston basically a Democratic city? Did he win his home town? Anyone? If he did, that’s even more disgusting…
ETA: Of course that’s 40% of the Hispanic vote they didn’t manage to suppress through gerrymandering and demanding voter ID. The rest of the Hispanic vote would have voted against this jerk had they let them in to vote, I’m sure.
You are young Teddy. I lived through Hurricane Hazel.
Should we ask Cruz what other spending he wants to cut to offset the response costs?
CNN or MSNBC (I forget which) had Michael Brown on this weekend because these cable shows just can’t fucking help themselves. They recycle ‘the worst of the worst’ whenever they’re desperate enough to have one more unimportant opinion to force on the public during times of tragedy. Gotta fill those 24 hours somehow, I guess…He was their designated expert or a reminder of how fucked up things can get. Take your pick. Ughhh.
Cruz won Harris County by a 1.6% margin.
Proof that you can’t fix stupid.
“Priority number one is saving lives, getting people out of life-threatening situations.” Cruz went on to say, “Priority number two is giving big, fat tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% and screwing the poor and the middle class.”
Let me guess: this calls for some Socialistic Federal Government Relief, doesn’t it Senator Cruz?
Offer your face for victims to punch, asshole.
I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said.
I guess this means that Ted pulled his head out of his ass…
Cruz mentioned he had spoken with President Donald Trump and the Vice President…
To reassure us he had indeed spoken to someone responsible.
Waiting for the free market solution to kick in. Yay capitalism!
Actually Senator it has become greater than a 500 year flood. Now repeat after me. Climate change is real…climate change is real. Keep repeating until you get it.
If it’s not Texas, it’s neither interesting nor important.
And, Pat Robertson is strangely silent on the cultural upheavals that caused God to wreak havoc on Texas. Pat, where are you??
I have every confidence that this good senator from the great state of Texas will stick to his core libertarian beliefs and solid Christian values and point out that disaster relief is an unAmerican entitlement perpetrated by Democrat Socialists.
Then cash his check from the Koch Bros.
Shorter Canadian Cruze: I want Federal Govt to dole out cash at a pace not seen since Dubya’s presidency. TX needs help and I want the credit. No Tax Increases though. Just add it to Obama’s deficit.