Discussion: Ted Cruz: 'Liberal Fascism' Threatens 'Religious Freedom'

Since the Supremes - who just haven’t been the same since Ms. Ross left - are fairly well poised to strike down gay marriage, I await with baited breath. Not just because I am a gay man and have been waiting for this for a long, long time, but because the RW base is going to go absolutely fucking insane, and they always fuck up grandly when that happens. I can’t wait to feast on the bitter, salted tears of Pastor Cruz, Tony Perkins, Maggie Gallagher, and the rest of the RW jagoffs. And then I will go back to trying to stop these motherfuckers from destroying my country, and myself.


Although Ted Cruz is Canadian, he probably has heard of George Washington. Sadly, given the rise of Christianist Fundamentalists, Washington was excessively aspirational, but people who claim to be concerned about “original intent” – and others – should read what the Father of Our Country thought about religious freedom and the rights of others.

The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for
having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy
worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of
citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by
the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of
their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States,
which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only
that they who live under its protection, should demean themselves as good
citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.


“Conservative Compassion” like “liberal fascism” is an oxymoron…ya moron.

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I think that’s what’s driving the volatility now.

We see a similar trend with the Liberals cornering the market on ideas leaving the Right with little or no access

We should be worried about liberty debasement. I recommend expansionary liberty austerity to reestablish confidence.


Cruz is in the “Clown Car” drivers seat. He is embarrassing our country. Shame on Texas for electing this “Super Clown” of Hate.

“stand unapologetically in defense of the Judeo-Christian values upon which America was built.”

I know once you’ve been on the job a long time you accrue quite a bit of vacation. I guess Judeo-Christian values were sunning themselves on the beach while back at the ranch the Fascist Democrats were decimating the Native Americans. Maybe they were taking in wine country in Sicily when the same Fascist Dems were enslaving cotton pickers on the plantations. Judeo-Christian values picks the damndest times to leave work for a breather.

Guess Carny Cruz isn’t in NY City anymore.
Auntie Em! Auntie Em!


More proof that Ted Cruz isn’t stupid, he’s just counting on his supporters to be. He quite knowingly throws out the terms “socialist” and fascist" in completely the wrong context. Seriously, fascism is almost the polar opposite of liberalism. Seriously. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism

Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition summit is for the Kool-Aid drinking followers and the Klown contingent is telling them what they want to hear about same sex marriage regardless of how the rest of sane part of the country feels.

Teddy won’t be happy until he has totally divided the American people. We’ll be so busy fighting each other over social issues that we will allow him to sneak in the front door of the White House,.

No Ted, the constant equating of reactionary political positions with religious practice and belief is what is threatening religious freedom.

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Ruh, roh, Astro. The GOTP playbook since 2008 calls on launching contradictory attacks on their opponents (e.g.: Obama is weak AND dictatorial, naive AND evil genius, etc.) A weaponization of the thought-terminating cliche meant to silence debate and force compliance. In the name of freedom, of course :shit:

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By process of elimination, he seems to be implying Democrats are more apt to favor…the Jews! Good thing he’s not a fascist or heaven knows where all this could lead.

Rightwing Religious Freedom threatens Democracy!

Under a constitutional representative democracy, which is more important?

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As with most weirdo Baggers and Cons and the assorted nuts of the Wingnuttery of the GOP, Cubanadian Cruz always continuously celebrates “Opposite Day.”

"If you refuse to let us continue to oppress you and fight against our trying to deny you basic civil and human rights, then YOU are the oppressors."

They and their depraved and disgusting ilk live and breathe in …

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Politicians like Cruz, who confuse POLITICAL PODIUMS with PULIPITS are doomed. Were our fore fathers LIBERALS?

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A kindergarten concert in Iowa was suddenly interrupted last week when a man started shouting, “USA, English only. USA, English only.”
According to KCCI-TV, the incident occurred Thursday at a performing arts center in Perry, a city located roughly 40 miles northwest of Des Moines.
Concertgoer Juan Jose Ordonez Deleon provided a short video of the man’s outburst, which Deleon calls a “hate crime,” to ThePerryNews.com.
The 12-second video shows an unidentified man being escorted out of an auditorium by security personnel, while he repeatedly chants, “USA, English only. USA, English only,” and shakes his fist in the air.
The man responsible for the disruption reportedly started bellowing the chant when a translator began repeating the event host’s opening remarks in Spanish.
The concert was held by students from Perry Elementary School, which the Iowa Department of Education estimates has about a 50 percent Hispanic or Latino student population.

Ted Cruz really needs to rethink his Iowa outreach tactics.

i think it is called projection.


…blurts the fascist…


I’d just keep it simple and go with sociopath.