Discussion for article #234572
" With his fiery rhetoric and unyielding approach to legislating… "
Well, at least we know which camp Sahil is in for the 2016 campaign…
Run Forrest, run!
The Klown Kar has pulled up and Greg Stillson is the first to get out!
Can we be so fortunate that the right spends their entire primary season without figuring out that Ted is unelectable?
I don’t think we could be so lucky. But the thought of Cruz as the Republican nominee makes me drool.
BTW, seeing that Cruz has been in the senate for exactly the same amount of time as President Obama, when Obama ran for president, surely we’ll see voices on the right bring up Cruz’ lack of experience?
Borowitz has it correct:
“Disturbed Man Tries To Get In The White House”
It’s conceivable that some other crazy clown will board the RNC’s 2016 preznitzel candidate bus who is or will eventually prove himself more disturbed, and say things on the campaign trail that will prove more disturbing, than Ted Cruz. But it’s really just a theoretical possibility.
Kudos to the clever folk wherever in the Alinskysphere who figured out how to organize apparent though not actual support sufficient to convince the Cruz Mister he should run. Well done.
If only we could convince Tom Cotton to run as well. I mean he’s accomplished so much already in the ~70 days he’s been in the Senate, a higher office awaits. Do it Senator Cotton…your nation needs you.
This just in: Ted Cruz announces he’s running for money.
Please pass the popcorn, the clown car has arrived.
Well Done Ted !!!
Now, produce your birth certificate and add Ben Carson as your running mate. Success assured !! Watch the $$ come rolling in !!
Not to mention questions about his place of birth and whether he’s constitutionally able to be elected President.
Now now, Cruz’s rhetoric is definitely fiery, and his approach is completely unyielding.
Not only does he never yield to any shreds of sanity, he never yields any results! He just burns down any chance for Realpolitik the Republicans have in any given situation.
Ted even makes Mittens look like a reasonable choice.
And so the freak show begins
“It’s a time for truth.”
The truth is, you were born in Canada, Cruz. You can’t run.
He was born in Canada. I can’t wait to see how he thinks he’s going to get around that.
Since it’s impossible to predict the future with perfect accuracy, I’ll agree he’s potentially dangerous. But I think it’s apparent to the average person, even if he or she doesn’t know the term, that Cruz suffers from narcissistic personality syndrome. I mean that in the clinical sense—he doesn’t just think well of himself, he’s mentally ill. Intelligent and high-functioning, but obviously not right in the head. The base doesn’t care—they’re just gleefully aware that he talks smack about Obama. But the four-fifths of the population that isn’t the base thinks he’s pretty fuckin’ creepy to the extent they’re aware of him at all. He’s about the last guy in the known universe you’d want to have a beer with, not to mention the vampire-style fishbelly-white skin and the kazoo-like voice. I don’t think he’s going to end up President. I very much hope I’m not wrong, trust me.
The same way McCain got around being born in Panama: his mother was an American citizen, therefore he was an American citizen from the moment of birth, regardless of location. It’s just as legal for him to run as it would be for me or (presumably) you.
How did a Harvard educated former lawyer become Solicitor General of Texas? This is like a Sorbonne educated former lawyer (edit) being appointed chief prosecutor at the Salem witch trials.
I’m stocking up on popcorn, this is going to be fun to watch. Cruz is going to destroy the GOP.