Discussion for article #229523
For a so-called “Constitutionalist,” he sure is a dumbfuck when it comes to the constitution.
It’s always surprising to me that these turds can’t articulate their way out of a paper bag. All he had to do is point out that the decision he wants the SCOTUS to make is that it is the states’ voters’ right to oppress unpopular minorities, I mean ban gay marriage, and boom…he’d have reconciled the two seemingly contradictory positions.
Cruz=Low thug. End of discussion. Unless we want to include the word “weasel”.
Being gay is as much a personal decision as being left handed or having blue eyes. You’re born with it asshole.
So he respects Tim Cook’s right to make choices in his own personal life, but wishes that states could be left alone to deny him those rights. It’s okay though, he “loves” his Iphone.
"Those are his personal choices, "
"Listen, Tim Cook makes his personal decisions, "
That’s all you need of Cruz. He’s a formula died in the wool Republican…nothing conservative about him. If a lie needs to be advanced to defend the Republican position Cruz is right on board. Nothing conservative in that.
My IPHone IS GAY? I’m sWITching bacK to mY Nokia 1100, whICH eMBRaces COre aMErican VaLUEs. Like NOT beING gaY. STOP LIbtard GAYIFICATION of AMerica!!1!1!1!!!
“Listen, Tim Cook makes his personal decisions, and that is his life. My focus is on the constitutional question of who has the authority to make decisions.”
Well that’s never stopped you from sticking your long nose in someone’s business before.
He knows that. But you cant diss a man for how he was born. So you make it about a “choice” and then unload you bigotry under the cover of that lie.
Brought to you by Benny Hinn & the Church of Purifying Fire…
Please Ted… run for President…
If being ‘gay’ is a choice, I am making a list of pros and cons for hetero vs homo, to see which is the better choice. I can see clearly now I have not thought through these things, and always assumed that since I have been dazzled by the female form since I was 5 years old, and indifferent to the bodies of males, that I had no choice in the matter and was stuck in a hetero identity. This is definitely a game changer. I guess I just have to learn to like a different choice.
I wonder which choice Cruz made. Does he ‘cruise’?
RichGayGuys are acceptable …
Yeh. Got it!
Close inspection of the lead photo looks as if someone didn’t put his makeup on …
“You’re exactly right,” Cruz responded. “Look, I believe in the Constitution. I think we need to follow the Constitution. What the Supreme Court did, effectively striking down the laws of 30 states, was wrong and it was judicial activism.”
So Roberts, Alito, Scalia and Thomas are not conservative enough?
I guess in Cruz’s mind there is no need for a Supreme Court because the Constitution is perfect. What an asswipe.
constitutionally, should the federal government or federal courts impose their policy views in the place of the policy views of citizens of states."
If the Supreme Court rules a state law unconstitutional, then yes. That’s actually the primary reason they exist.
99% of the Fortune 500 support equality. Always amusing to watch a pro-business social conservative have to deal with that fact.
I love that he calls the Supreme Court’s decision not to weigh in on gay marriage “judicial activism.” Words matter to this guy, but the meanings of words do not.
“My focus is on the constitutional question of who has the authority to make decisions,”
Small government conservative.