Discussion: Ted Cruz: Cantor Defeat Shows 'Conservative Base Is Alive And Well'

He wouldn’t be able to run for that AND his senate seat in Texas, would he?

Because that would be awesome for Senator Castro’s coming-out party.


And with what specific "heaping lies and personal attacks is “the Washington status quo” attacking Chris McDaniel?

And specifically, how is this administration putting “liberty under assault”, “trampling our constitutional rights” and “disregarding the rule of law”?

I’m sure Glenn Beck didn’t ask you to explain yourself on behalf of his audience, Senator; but I am asking on behalf of myself and the majority of Americans who don’t follow Glenn Beck. You make serious charges against our government, but you argue with “facts” not in evidence.


Nah, Edward R. Murrow is probably done by the maintenance garage having a smoke; though he probably does roll his eyes at the mention of modern American-TV “journalism”.

If you’re smart enough to not give specifics, nobody can pin you down on your lies.

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Um, Ted, the national Tea Party didn’t help Brat at all. It was all local, as far as I can see.

So, it looks like this may be Teabaggers 2.0. Gone local…for real this time.

Remember when republicans acted as one during the Bush years?

Boy, have things changed. Sucks to be them.

That’s how Cruz gets his grift.

Keep fiddling, Nero.

yeah if your bulimic…cause I couldnt hold down any of cantor’s shyt either

Yeah Ted, I’m glad you mentioned Chris Daniels. What a class act. His staff breaking into the courthouse in the middle of the night, breaking into hospitals to harrass patients. Yeah let’s talk about him

Hey Ted it didn’t take Koch money for this extremist to win.

Ted Cruz, the appointed King of Christian Dominionism makes it official. He’s going to lead them all the way to Armageddon.