Discussion for article #233724
Yeah, you’re “uber” all right, Herr Cruz.
So he’s trying to make as much money as possible while taking people for a ride?
“Barack Hussein Obama?”
Hannity: continuing to prove himself the biggest anus at an all-star asshole convention.
Cruz playing to his TED-ophiles.
“Lawless imperator,” Cruz said, to muted applause from the crowd, some of whom may not have been familiar with the Latin word."
Casting your pearls before the swine again, are we? Ah, Teddy, boy. I bet you thought that would be the high point of your speech. As an up and coming demagogue, I’d say you need a better class of blind followers and sycophants.
Given that’s not likely to happen any time soon, next time, try calling Obama something you really mean and the mob can get behind like…oh, I don’t know, how about “the uppity black criminal squatting in the White House.” That’s what you were trying to say anyway. Yeah, see how that goes over with the crowd.
Setting aside people actually legally ineligible to run for the office, Ted Cruz maybe the individual least suited to be President of the United States.
The imperator is strong with this one!
“career politicians”. What is Cruz but a career politician? In the 20 years since he graduated law school, he spent a total of 1 year of his life in the private sector. The rest was spent in the federal or Texas government.
“Lawless imperator”
Teatroll Rosetta Stone (Atwater ed.): “Uppity, disobedient negro.”
“muted applause from the crowd, some of whom may not have been familiar with the Latin word.”
LOL. Today’s understatement award goes to…
Good Lord! How childish was that Hannity bit? Cruz is cutting an easy path for himself ( and no one should confuse Cruz’s real motives…he’s all about Cruz ) with his “disruptive” schtick. What real good will come from disruption? The word is not synonymous with achievement. Achievement is a tough act and Cruz cuts himself free of it. He’s taking the easy path…being disruptive. As for Uber he shares nothing with them. Uber ( like it or not ) was an original idea and it seems to be working. There is nothing original in Cruz’s act. It’s been in Congress before and it will be there again.
Some more word associations:
Ted Cruz . . . Publicity Whore
CPAC . . . Closets
Like Uber… so give him a few bucks and he’ll go in whatever direction you tell him to?
Like Uber? Some creep that takes you for a ride?
and treating all his “drivers” as “independent contractors” who don’t get paid any overtime, no medical, sick leave, pension, or any other protections of any kind.
In other words: Reich-Wing Nirvana.
So he is trying to be a sexist unaccountable potential rapist?
Good to know.
TeD is MORE liKE JEsus, bUT for POLITICs, beCAUSE JEsus cLEANSEd the TEMPle and SHOOK UP THE JEws.
Misogynist dick - well okey doke - nice to know how much he hates women: http://pando.com/2014/11/17/the-moment-i-learned-just-how-far-uber-will-go-to-silence-journalists-and-attack-women/
employees are not really people just commodities that are disposable and replaceable cogs.
he will strongly suggest that these independent contractors go to suggested vendors for loans, even though the vendor has a long negative history of skrewing over clients.
I’m betting a nickel few in the CPAC crowd know much about Uber and their misogynistic behavior.
In a so-called “lightning round,” Captain Crunch was asked to play a bit of word association regarding Ted Cruz:
Self-Righteous, Imperious Asshole combined with being a Self-Absorbed, Publicity-Seeking Whore!
You want to be the unregulated, hammer-wielding felon of politics?! Really?!