Discussion: Ted Cruz Adviser Finally Addresses His Role In GOP Candidate's Suicide

Discussion for article #235358

Teabaggers confuse meaness with courage constantly.


They confuse many things…its why they cannot govern, cannot form a sentence, cannot think outside the box…


People from Kansas City know all about Roe. He predates the tea party. He is a Lee Atwater wantabe who has a mean and nasty approach to political campaigning. Some people fear him, others hate him, a lot of people respect his energy, but aside from his family nobody, Republican or Democrat, really likes him. If he has a dog, he probably has a friend. I think he would agree with and relish everything I have just written.


Raphael is looking for his own Cheney/Rove combo.


The right wing in this country really has cornered the market on “mean-spirited, vindictive, and punitive.” It’s the way they campaign, and - surprise, surprise - it’s the way they govern.


Consistent with TPM’s approach to journalism, the headline and article are misleading in that Roe apparently paid for and ran the ad in his role as Hanaway’s campaign manager, and there’s no evidence presented that Cruz knew anything about it. That’s never stated.

The tone of this ad was no different than that current in politics today, engendered by the anonymity campaign finance laws and the internet allow. Just look at comments in TPM, and tell me that maybe 25% of them do not match or exceed this ad. This is what happens when you take off the filters, fire the adults, and let vox people run the conversation.

Teabaggers have a lot of problems in addition to thinking meanness and courage are the same thing.

First off, they are medieval in their outlook on the world, all the while screaming that they aren’t what they are. They are absolutely convinced white men should be running the world and that the ni(CLANG!) are just monkeys who should get out of the way; oh and the wimmens are so cute when they try to run things.

Second, for guys who hate fundamentalist muslims so much, they sure act like them. They are more fatalistic than a suicide and their entire attitude to almost ANYTHING is "Eh, whaddaya gonna do?’

Third, not only are they anti-intellectual but they’re PROUD of how dumb they are. This is probably the weirdest trait they have. The same folks who say to their kids, “Bye! Do good in school!” say out of the other side of their mouths, “Just don’t do TOO good!” They are walking, talking C Plusses.

Fourth, they are extremely fond of telling you how things really are, yet they prize opinion over facts. If these guys were in charge of ANYTHING, not only would we be speaking Japanese today but we would never have set foot on the moon.

But their biggest problem is incompetence. Teabaggers think the job is over when they get elected and don’t realize that’s when the job STARTS. Or pretend they don’t.


I disagree with your assessment of TPM’s headline. Roe was working for Cruz before Cathy Hannaway hired his firm. I believe it wasn’t until the quarterly reports had to filed that it has come out that Roe paid for the as himself.


…and their constituents have been rendered incapable of thinking outside the FOX


Just another short, dumpy GOPer who’s compensating by being an aggressive asshole.

He’s very much in the spirit of the College Republicans, which is where Rove, Atwater, and bunch of Nixon’s old crowd cut their teeth.

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What’s that thing under his nose?

Well, at least he has his priorities straight–“what it would look like” is obviously most important.

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he would not have run the ad if he had been aware of Schweich’s mental state

… in reality - if he had known - he would have more aggressively gone for the jugular & also tried to tie it to another rival… remember he comes from the mentality of ‘compassion is for wimps’


This, and the converse: accusing their foe of doing something horrendous (that they have already done, or would do if they could get away with it).


Is that Hugh Everett?

He reminds me of John Wayne Gacy.

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Barney Fife may have had his faults but he was honest, sincere, loved his friends and family and he loved his town. He only wanted to do well.

In other words, everything republicans hate.


“Roe declined to comment on that characterization but did say that he would not have run the ad if he had been aware of Schweich’s mental state, according to the newspaper.”

If he had been aware,he would’ve ran ad attacking his mental state.