Discussion: Team Trump Tries To Weaponize Deceptively Edited Videos Of Nancy Pelosi

Fair enough, and I gave you mine, unsolicited.

This, 100%.

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You know why.

To quote Ilhan Omar: It’s all about the Benjamins.


Yes, while the MAGATS eat this crap up, it does alienate independents and even some Trump voters. They continue to drive away the possibility of gaining more votes by playing solely to his base. A recent article showed that among women, Latinos, Asians and a few other groups even less support than at the mid-terms as his policies and pronouncements prove to be unpopular and even more divisive as time goes by.

They don’t seem to get, kudos to us, that his potential vote tallies are dropping like a rock. Go Trump, I say! LOL


Now there’s a fact. :smile:


One way to track this sort of crap is to require digital signature on all electronic media. In addition Pelosi should sue any network that pushes these lies.

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Some of these naysayers were here once Hillary won the nomination. Instead of getting onboard, they contiued to bash her and whine about emails and Wall Street speeches. Now here they are again.

One has to wonder what their motives really are. Or maybe not wonder at all.


Send this to Josh. He needs to hear it, many times over. The lack of basic analytical skills among journalists is appalling.


This is the 1960’s version of some rejected middle-school boy drawing a picture of some girl with horns, etc. and passing it around to his classmates.

And these are supposed to be fucking adults? Excuse me while I go get seriously drunk and ponder our country’s future. And yes, it’s not even 9 a.m. where I live.


Blame it on CNN not the Democrats. What are they supposed to do? Kill a thousand kittens on the Capitol steps every time they pass some legislation?

CNN plays it both ways with Trump. Focusing on the outrage but very, very much wanting him and his ratings to get another term.


If Trump gets another term, people like Acosta might as well retire.


I’m sure there a crazy incompetents on both sides of the issue…

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This is as revolting as it is depressing! What is this, Middle School?

The leader of the free world desperately pushing phoney, doctored videos online to make his political opponents look bad. Wow. Once more I thank Deplorables of every fetid stripe for shoving America into the gutter for the whole world to ogle at. Good job.


Or write a few more books after another staged argument that gets him tossed out of the press room.


Terrible idea. Would kill the internet as we know it. Governments would love absolute control to be able to track back when a citizen posts, say, a picture of police brutality or other crimes. Helps them round up dissidents.

There are ways, though, to track things like this and how they spread. I’m sure the intelligence agencies have already tracked it back to:

55 Ulitsa Savushkina, St. Petersburg.

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I finally unsubscribed this morning. They are ridiculous with this stuff.


I haven’t watched these doctored videos nor will I. The people that want to believe this will no matter what is said about them. The fact that these people associated with tRump are touting these is just beyond the pale.


They would weaponize it, which is why Pelosi doesn’t want to go with it just now. She seems to have chosen another alternative, which is to get Trump to write his own 25th amendment case. The man is now obviously unhinged.


Way past time to regulate Facebook! It will also be fun to watch pasty-faced Aspie Zuckerberg squirm while being questioned by Congress.


He could walk around tossing his own shit at people in the WH, and they still wouldn’t 25th him.

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