Discussion: Team Trump Tries To Weaponize Deceptively Edited Videos Of Nancy Pelosi

Why, the NYT is so ‘even-handed’ and ‘fair-minded’ how could anybody possibly go WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

I am paywalled: who wrote this shit? Or maybe a better question is: who wrote the FUCKING HEADER to the article which is probably truthfully laying out the whole thing?

It’s the HEADER that is disgusting.

What tactics from the Dems are worth admiring? The results of those tactics have led to Trump in the White House, McConnell in the Senate, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, the right to choose being criminalized, Russian interference in US elections being decriminalized, and zero action on climate change.

I agree that I do not understand the tactics of the Dems, unless I’m to believe that the tactics are designed to lose. In which case I guess I do understand them.

Riddle me this. If the Dems won’t stand up for the rule of law, which impacts everyone, and move to impeach Trump then why are we to believe that they’ll fight effectively for a woman’s right to choose. About 24% of women in the US will have had an abortion by the time they are 45. (https://www.vox.com/2019/5/16/18628002/abortion-ohio-alabama-georgia-law-bill-details) That’s a minority of the population. Pelosi seems determined to play electoral math in order to keep her job. Why wouldn’t she bargain away a woman’s right to choose if that right was only used by such a small percentage of the US population? Her “tactics,” which I don’t understand, would seem to lead to the conclusion that fighting for women’s right is just too hard and not an electoral winner.

It’s very difficult to even get a libel suit heard against someone considered a public figure.

1A is very powerful stuff.

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For those with short memories…

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Trump got his feelings hurt and so he’s going after Pelosi with these doctored videos. She has already been demonized many times so I don’t know how this really works, but it gives something for conservatives to entertain themselves and for the NYT to both sides this stuff.

The larger point is that these tit for tat games with no specific goal or target in mind tends to play to Trump’s advantage over time. The thing that Pelosi is pointing out is that Trump is engaged in a cover up and he is unfit. Those are great themes to sell and push. But there’s no follow up to say, ‘therefore, we’re going to hold McGahn and Barr in contempt’. When she had these spats with Trump during the shutdown, she had a larger purpose: ‘support federal workers’ and ‘no wall’. You will never hit as hard as Trump does when it comes to caricatures. But you can render him impotent and weak by proving that his positions are wrong for the country and that he lacks the temperament to be trusted on anything he says. You can also take firm positions that you’re willing to invest political capital in and win the support of your base + Dem leaning Indies.


The curse of cable news is the need to “feed the beast”, 24/7.

We who used to do TV in the day knew we were in trouble when all we had was reporters talking to reporters. Today, the narrative is preplanned and for all intents an purposes, scripted.

We can no longer be sucked into what we now call “news.”

Give me long form stories any day.


BTW. The Pelosi video is a simple two click function in most video software. Slow the video down while clicking on the button “maintain audio pitch”. Sounds normal but slower. Takes all of two minutes and then render out the final video and post.

At least even FOX is calling it out for being fake.


Better yet, just do the same to vids of Dolt$ and Ghouliani, blast them out on every rightwingers twitter and FB’s and whatever. They believe everything they see, show them how you can’t trust anything you see.

Folks, we have another stable genius here.


Sorry, no time today, I’m reading about the legal battle for Deutsche Bank’s records. Gripping! We’ll have to discuss Pelosi and the other feckless, effete “centrists” like myself some other time.


Thanks for that. You just saved me a whole heap o’ time. :laughing:

Reminds me of the “fly to Sh*t” story I was told about as a kid.

Remember when we thought Dubya was horrible and the worst thing possible that could happen to our country?

Ahhhhhhh… The Good Old Days…


kinda makes Cheney an amateur doesn’t it. lol
as far as destroying all that matters


I would say that if some knucklehead edits a trump video to make it appear he slurs his words then the trump camp ought to have zero grounds to complain.
Actually there are videos of trump slurring words and they aren’t even doctored.


Keith Olbermann would number the days since the “mission accomplished” banner incident. And then lay into ol Georgie.

So Giuliani wants Nancy to apologize for saying the truth,but will not apologize himself for posting a fake and insulting video - sounds like what a whining baby would do, so much like Trump. this man has no honor, no reputation left. good bye.
I wills say I was happy to see no trumpette that I know posted this video on facebook. maybe they know by now that I would mock them endlessly.

I mean this as good natured as possible, but you’re kind of a jerk for putting that picture in our heads.

Besides hoovering up your emails, the NSA really, really excels at this. They stood down my specialty right after I left active duty. The specialty that they replaced us with (mostly just moved folks over into this program from mine) centered around intrusion and defense. There’s all kinds of fun stuff to be found in metadata.

And yet he never does that.

Understatement of the decade, Snookums.

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