Discussion: Team Trump: Counsel 'Comfortable' With All The President-Elect's Meetings So Far

They should be disclosing who their counsel is at this point.


…members of the White House general counsel will become involved when Trump moves to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave…

“Their names are Ivanka and Eric Trump and Jared Kushner. They are terrific people who will not bore me with legalese,” Trump said.


Trump has been more openly corrupt in two weeks than Obama has been in eight years. If the Republican Party ever had any moral standing, their silence on Trump’s activities effectively demonstrates they have none now.


I am assuming the one holdover from Chris Christie’s transition team is Christies’s lawyer. The one who exonerated him in the BridgeGate scandal. The Donald has to respect the giant balls on that guy.

Probably because they have no idea how the presidency works.

Just a guess


Legit types have counsel review what they do to keep them on the right side legally and ethically. Trump has them to facilitate his scamming. This has been amply proven time and time again. His corruption will feed the authoritarianism and weaken the rule of law. And the only people with any power to address it are the GOP leaders in Congress. I cannot express how disgusted with, ashamed of, and frightened for my country I am.


“But you would say that wouldn’t you?”

In reality, I hold very little hope that any of our institutions will hold Pres. Shitgibbon to account. The press, especially, is a lost cause. Think about G.W. Bush. It took the objective reality of a Katrina and bodies floating in the water to reveal what a hollowed out rotten stump of a regime it was. Likewise, I’m starting to think that it will take the objective reality of a crisis or presidential blunder of galactic proportions to persuade the “plain folk” to abandon their abusive relationship with the assaulter in chief.


He is using Vladimir Putin’s lawyer at the moment. Ronald McDonald was not available.


They haven’t a clue about the relevant law or how the presidency works. Trump thinks he’s been elected king, and that the rules for OTHER presidents don’t apply to him.


Oh well then…some anonymous ‘counsel’ says it’s all good…

I think the legal term is ‘blank check’…

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The White House Counsel should NOT be appointed by the President, who would then be his/her boss. Remember what happened in the Bush 43 administration when W’s White House Counsel, several of them, gave legal justifications for enhanced interrogation (torture), rendition, holding prisoners without charge, etc. All of these clearly violated International Law and many of our own laws. But as long as the White House Counsel, subservient to the President said it was OK, well then it was . . . OK.

The White House Counsel and the United States Office of Government Ethics must be completely independent of the President.

And by the way, that is the stupidest, most childish photo of Drumpf that I have ever seen!

It’s likely Garten and hes probably backstopped by a RNC attorney.

Is this Counsel named, Schnornstein?

It’s probably this dim-witted asshole.

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“All meetings that are taking place are where counsel is comfortable with,” Miller said (emphasis added).
Note what Miller said. This could mean that counselor Whoever is comfortable that the meetings are taking place at Trump Tower, the Trump Golf Club, or by telephone from a very nicely appointed office. We have coffee, tea, bagels, nice couches and chairs - we’re all quite comfortable.

Prediction: By February, if not before, Trump and his spokespeople will be saying, “Trump is doing nothing wrong in his continuing business dealings. Look at what Crooked Hillary and the Clinton Foundation did when she was SecState. And emails. That was 10 times worse. You can’t hold President Trump to a higher standard.” And the media will buy it, even if Hillary is not investigated further or if investigations again and again show no wrongdoing. In fact, Trump may make sure there are no further investigations of Hillary just so nobody makes the suggestion that he be investigated too, and so the myth of Clinton crimes can continue unproved.

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I love my country. I truly, deeply do. Watching what it’s done to itself is the worst heartbreak I’ve ever known.

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