I ordered the LWT Marlon Bundo book as a goof and was so pleasantly surprised to find it a touching, heartwarming story that was totally appropriate the share with little ones. While our kids are too old for it, we gifted it to a toddler we know and she loves it!
Thank you for the recommendation.
This sounds like a worthy book too. The illustration is fabulous.
Yes! I love it.
Unfortunately it will be too easy for the tutti fascisti to mock it by showing snails crawling over everything, dealing tiny bags of weed and blowing themselves up.
But those critters on the cover sure are cute!
The Pences announced they would publish two more books about Bundo.
Marlon Prays the Gay Away and Marlon Sneaks a Flask Into Church.
A chipmunk is the perfect metaphor for Fox-viewers. If animals had coats of arms, the family motto on the chipmunk arms would be "OHMIGOD!”
I’m just going to say that as a former gardener - the snail will ruin everything.
perhaps they should have gone with an African or European swallow…