Discussion: Tea Party Anti-Voter Fraud Group Files Suit To Inspect Mississippi Poll Books

I love me some GOP-on-GOPeeing action!!!

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the outrage of African American electoral participation has no bounds. It is like these Repubs are attending a MS garden party and find the ‘help’ seated at their table.


Exactly 50 years ago, to this day, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed and MS continues to deal with its fears. The state didn’t ratify the 13th Amendment, which was proposed in 1865 until 1995.

By either clerical error or stupidity, the official notice was not given to the federal government until 2012. These are big issues for those Bubbas.

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As everyone except conservatives admits, “True The Vote” is a RWNJ voter-suppression group.

Nothing it does is for the benefit of the public.

I don’t think there’s going to be enough popcorn to truly enjoy this.


Ah, “Hot Tub” Tom Delay. Them was the days!

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True the Vote professes to be dedicated to precision and accuracy in the voting process. So how come they couldn’t even be bothered to spell Honorable and District correctly on the first page of their complaint?

TTV was founded and is run by a failed far right candidate whose literacy is questionable at best.

I keep hearing this claim that MS law prohibits voters that voted in the regular primary election of one party from voting in the runoff primary election of the other party. In the suit, they appear to base this on a provision of MS law (the “intent to support provision”) that I understand was found unconstitutional by the 5th Cir. I wonder if there are any MS lawyers out there that can share their thoughts on this. Seems to me to be baseless based on what they are pleading, but I wonder if there is another, more specific statute, on point?

Talk about bad losers. It is pretty funny to watch the repugs eat each other.

What they really mean is that black folks shouldn’t be able to vote at all. Sound familiar?

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Tea Hee!


See Chris.

See Chris Dick Voters!

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Bleach the Vote.

I got a kick out of the name of one of the Plaintiffs: Sybil Tribble. Awesome.

I believe that you have rolled two provisions up into one.

The first is that you can’t vote in both primaries, and the runoff was a continuation of the primary. That provision is enforceable.

The second is that you can’t participate in a primary unless your intention is to vote for your favored primary candidate in the general election if your candidate were to win the primary. The second provision is that one that was found to violate the Constitution.

Those who need to resign are the Tea Party contingent in the Congress who are more hated by most Americans.

Sorry you object to Obama Presidenting while black. Was there a peep out of you when W did far worse?

Job creators did very well when unions were stronger, not so well now. You have been fooled by a bunch of propaganda from businessmen who believe they can make money without anybody able to buy.

Obama has sent more would be immigrants home than any other President.

No more free stuff? Does that include inheritances or is it totally fair in your estimation that those who picked their ova and sperm well should be entitled.

A fertilize human egg is not a child. And besides, science will soon be able to take a cell from a hangnail and make that into a child. So will those cells be sacred too?

Charter schools are proving far worse than public schools. See the data in Michigan.

Open gun carry facilitates crimes and leads normal citizens to suspect each other. A gun is most dangerous to its owner.

Your values are not Christian.

This land has had enough of Bush’s and Cruz is a garden variety nut case.

Off topic and nothing more than trolling…

"They claim to have already found 1,500 “invalid” votes. "

They do indeed make that claim but as usual the McDaniel forces appear to be talking nonsense:

“Pete Perry, the Hinds County Republican Party chairman, said the McDaniel campaign’s claims were “wildly exaggerated.” In the Jackson precinct at Fondren Presbyterian Church, he said, the McDaniel campaign charged that 192 illegal votes had been cast by people who voted in the Democratic primary. But, he said, only 37 Democrats voted there on June 3.”


I bet that sounds better in the original German too.


Funny. Fondren is basically the only liberal white area in Jackson that I can think of.

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