Discussion: Tea Partier Tries To Get Sen. Roberts Off Ballot Because Primary Residence Is In Virginia

Discussion for article #222330

Getting Robertson off the ticket is the one and only chance he has of winning, and that’s a full court shot at best.

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This Tea Bag idiot has no chance at winning anything. He looks like one of Mitt Romney’s forlorn children.

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So, is he saying no one who can’t afford two homes should serve in Congress or is he saying no one elected to Congress should actually go to Washington and serve?

Of course, baggernuts being what they, I guess he could be saying no one who can’t afford to maintain two homes should be elected and when elected, said person shouldn’t actually use the home in Washington.

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Please proceed, sir.

But damn it all he has his flag pin on so your argument is invalid.

/memes mixed to order


Oh please kick Roberts off the ballot and put Mr. Dead Guy X-Ray on. It’s only right. And he’ll beat us EASILY.



It’s not Kobach’s Call … in Kansas everything is the Call of the Kochs.

All GOTeaPub candidates should be removed from ballots …

for living in an alternate universe.