Discussion: Syracuse Uninvites Pulitzer-Prize Winning Journalist Who Was In Liberia

Discussion for article #228954

Shocking. A university is supposed to be a bulwark against the forces of darkness and ignorance.


An appallingly bad decision. You are training journalists who may go into a war zone to tell the world what’s happening and you give in to idiotic, baseless fear. Shame!


(1.) Michel du Cille was recently in Liberia covering the ongoing Ebola crisis.

(2.) Michel du Cille breathed the air and ate food in Liberia

(3.) Michel du Cille would definitely exhale & possibly urinate / defecate while on the Syracuse campus

OHHHHHH!!! Emergency emergency … everyone to get from streets!

From the News Photographer link: “Branham (Syracuse Dean) said she told du Cille today that she would still like for him to come to Syracuse at some point in the future to lead students in a conversation about the “irrational fears and making bad decisions,” such as some of those surrounding the Ebola crisis.” Yeah. I see that happening. I’m sure that invitation is going in the mail… never.

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“I am pissed off,” du Cille told the magazine. “I am disappointed in the level of journalism at Syracuse, and I am angry that they missed a great teaching opportunity. Instead they have decided to jump in with the mass hysteria.”

Yeah. I expect Fox viewers to go crazy- after all, they don’t believe in evolution, or global warming, or vaccines- but a university? Sad.


BLACk PEOPle CArry EXtra EBOLA. Be aFRAID of BLACK PEOPLe and EBOLA. VOte FOr a REpublicaN this ELEction. THEy are THE ONLY one’s WHO PLAN to GEt touGH aND CRUsH the EBOLA.PANIC becaUSE we’re ALL going to DIE from EBOLA or SOMETHING ELSE THAT IS OBUMMER’S FAULT!!!1!1!11one!!!111!1

Syracuse University should be deeply ashamed of this decision.

The idiot who cancelled the invitation should be publicly humiliated for being such a clueless asshole.


“He was disinvited because of concerns that were generated by some students that led me to believe that it would lead to even more concerns,” she said. “So it was in the best interest of the students for me to withdraw the invitation.”

Were the students planning on coming in contact with his blood and/or bodily fluids?

Just what kind of visit was this suppose to be? /s

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There was a serious concern that some students might learn something.

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God! This reminds me of the AIDS hysteria of the 1980s when HIV/AIDS infected children weren’t allowed to attend school because parents were afraid their kids could get infected. People felt horrible about that years later, and I think the officials ostracizing people for treating Ebola patients or covering the Ebola crisis will feel the same.