Discussion: Suspect's Hit-And-Run On Arab Neighbor Was Harbinger Of Alleged Murder To Come

Imagine the response on the Right had Khalid Jabara shot Stanley Majors dead in self defense as a result of this harassment.


According to the Post, the car’s windshield was shattered and had “what appeared to be blood or tissue stuck on it.”

His lawyers argued that Jabara had no memory of the accident and that the state had “no more evidence than slight proof that the defendant didn’t like the victim,” according to court documents.



I just do not get this – the man was a DUI hit and run – a looming danger to the public even without his racist vendetta against this family. No matter how high bail was set, it should never have been an option in this case.


Unbelievable is right. Especially since the article describes the police report thus:

“Is she ok? Haifa?” an “extremely drunk and urinating” Majors said, according to a police incident report obtained by the Washington Post. “I was out driving my car, drunk. I’m always drunk and you guys never stop me. And there was this rabbit, and Haifa jumped out in front of my car.”

Sounds like he remembered the event quite clearly.

And he was gay married? I guess he had to be selectively bigoted, huh?


The police and the judge in this case seem to have worked really hard not to do their jobs.


As someone who is married to a woman who was stalked as a teenager/young woman, this infuriates me to no end. Can’t tell you how many times she and her family were told that the polce couldn’t do anything until he actually did something actionable. That’s too goddamn late. (This was the late eighties, before stalking laws supposedly came to pass.)


If Majors was gay as it now appears based on his marriage to another man I wonder if the obsessive harassment was based on unrequited infatuation with the victim who was a handsome young man?

Either way the Tulsa cops, prosecutors and judges involved completely dropped the ball here. Majors should have been locked up permanently a long time ago and we have to question whether ethnic bias was involved in his being allowed to run amok.

This all smacks of white privilege and Oklahoma isn’t exactly a poster child for civil rights achievements. The gay angle complicates that narrative somewhat though.


“He is very racist towards foreigners and blacks,” she wrote, also charging that Majors physically abused his elderly husband, who she said was “very kind to us.”

Husband? Is this a typo or was Majors gay? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that…)

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I honestly didn’t expect the Republican’s crass hate building exercise of “we are the party that will protect teh gayz from teh mooslims” strategy to work on, well, anyone. It’s just such an obviously cynical ploy, especially after the Pulse shooting, to pick up votes from a group that the R’s have spent decades trying to strip of civil rights.

Also, a woman has a RESTRAINING ORDER because a man has repeatedly harassed her, and the police, prosecutor, and judge ALL act as if there’s no previous threat against her when HE RUNS HER DOWN WITH HIS CAR. Why on earth did he have firearms in his possession? I wonder how domestic violence and sexual assault are handled by the judicial system in that town.

I need a drink.


I don’t think we need to look for a motive beyond his bigotry and ethnic hatred, and his willingness to lethally attack the subjects of his bigotry and hatred. F’ing judge.


Proving once again that hate is a learned trait. I’ve known a few racist gays in my time. If possible, I usually steer clear of them. My life is complicated enough by, well, life, without having to worry about folks like this. I make clear my values and move on.

That said, most LGBTQ people I’ve ever met in my life are more sensitive to hatred, prejudice and ignorance. I’m really sorry the Jabara family had to endure this asshat and that his hatred came to this. I mourn their loss with them. I sincerely hope justice will prevail and the family will son know as much peace as possible in a situation such as this.

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As a gay man, my initial take is this: Law enforcement and the justice system in OK already have a long history of turning a blind eye to the needs of racial and sexual minorities. It was just whipped cream on top of the cake that the perp here happened to be a gay man – and a married gay one, to boot. The Police knew this would escalate, so did the judge. They facilitated this incident by turning as blind an eye as they could. In my mind, they share in the guilt of this family’s harassment and this person’s death. I hope that comes out in future court hearings and trial(s).


This is one of those times I wish I had the money to subscribe to The Frontier (it’s the news site that those Pulitzer-winning journalists from Tulsa started a year and a half ago). Before they threw that paywall up they had some great stories on the Tulsa City and County justice system, and that volunteer who “accidentally” shot a black man during a sting.

Anyway, a detail I just saw in the part I can look at for free: Haifa’s shoes were found 44 feet from her body when her neighbor ran her down. She was hurt badly and that guy not only drove away, he left her for dead. That wasn’t some horrible drunkard accidentally running down a jogger, it was flat-out attempted murder.

I cannot fathom why he was ever released from jail while awaiting trial, much less why he was allowed to move back next door to his victim and continue the harassment.

Another detail that gets lost is that the police knew he was home, and even if they didn’t have a warrant to retrieve his illegal weapon, there is no way they should have left the scene where an armed attempted murderer was next door to his victim.


He said he always drives drunk and the police never stop him.

He had an open bench warrant, calls the police re: the parking violation and doesn’t get arrested for the warrant.



I agree. I’m not a lawyer but it seems to me that the long chain of gobsmacking official misconduct here adds up to a clear violation of the Jabara family’s civil rights.


Hey! Big shout out to my homeys in the Tulsa P.D.!

These badassers managed to let a man be killed by totally crushing it when it came to acting on their intel! Thank God for the Tulsa P.D.!

Carrying on that tradition of doing fuck all since the blacks rioted 100 years ago! Keepin’ the peace by letting whitey kill black folk for over 100 years! You guys are my main men!


Blood or tissue on the windshield. Would it have been too much trouble to do a DNA test to prove it was the victim’s? Is law enforcement that stupid? It makes me sick. The poor woman is injured and loses her son. And not a single member of law enforcement cares.


Typical Oklahoma bigoted behavior, aided and abetted by typically bigoted police and the courts there.

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This makes me embarrassed to live in the state.