Discussion: Suspected Shooting Leaves Windows Shattered At Top Kentucky Newspaper

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Thank you, Rethuglican Jackasses!


No doubt fired by a ‘concerned citizen’.

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2nd Amendment Trumps the 1st Amendment.

Trump Approves.


With apologies to @pluckyinky :


Layne Chadwell

Wasn’t this Elvis’ name in Blue Hawaii?
Shifting sands within the Trump base stratum…Memorial weekend Clinton/Lewinski rejoinders and sallies, while more vicious than their usual grunted intensity, seemed half-hearted and pro forma…Scurried for the woodwork at the mention of the word ‘traitor’…

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I hope his middle name is “Wayne.”



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Because “boys will be boys” doesn’t look good in print.


Where do we get such inspiration…from the NRA and Trump, of course.

“We’re going to be vigilant and continue to do what we do,” the paper’s publisher, Rufus M. Friday, said in its own report. “We’re not going to be deterred by this senseless act of vandalism.”

You must mean “an act of terrorism” not “Vandalism” don’t you? Call it what it truly is…


youtube gun and hunting channels are popular with some young Kentucky males and it is in these where fascism makes its approach if not from Daddy…

Assuming that he’s white. If not, he’s likely a terrorist or a thug.


Trump has continually denounced the news media as the enemy. Although we don’t know the shooter’s motivations yet, one can’t help but think that something like this was only a matter of time. Sadly, it will happen more. Many of his voters are touting a second civil war on Twitter and other social media outlets. If the media is viewed as “liberal” in their eyes, then it will surely be in their cross-hairs, both figuratively and literally.

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It’s the governor in this case, fueled by knuckle-dragging Trump* Chumps.

Bevin is currently facing an Ethics investigation for corruption and he’s constantly whipping up the militia types about the ‘evil’ press.

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I can’t wait for the folks who defended the Montana body slam to come out in support of the shooter. “He was protecting himself from the liberal media”

Quick question for the author of this article- the picture you’re displaying is of Transylvania University.

Which is located in Lexington but is no where near the Herald Leader- or has anything to do with this article.

Police have released a photo of their number one suspect:

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That whole tree of liberty thing. Unless it’s watered with the ink of the headquarters of the Courier Journal.

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I would prefer it if Texans shot each other up, but Kentucky is a good start.

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