Discussion: Survivors Say As Many As 700 Lost in Migrant Ship Sinking of Libya

Discussion for article #235447

This is going to be the Century in which something like economic and social justice either start to occur or wind up Dead in the Water.

Most of the enemies are the Profiteers. However, social relations (including Tribalisms, insularity, ignorance, false consciousness, etc.) among ordinary people make the job of the Profiteers SO MUCH easier.

It is the number of immigrants who have died that is so shocking, and so far they are tragedies that have largely gone unnoticed. Yet it doesn’t seem like any country in this area has any plans to prevent future deaths.

3,500 died last year. This year, 35,000 asylum seekers and migrants have reached Europe so far and more than 900 are known to have died in failed crossings. Last week, 400 people were presumed drowned when another boat capsized.

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