Discussion: Surprise! Obamacare Repeal Includes A Stealth Tax Cut For Top Earners

the real division is gullible idiot class v professional grifter class




Deficits don’t matter if you are a Republican President, 2017 Edition.


But Obama plays golf!!


As Jesus said in Matthew 25:36

I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me, I was one of the 1% and you cut my taxes.


And his supporters still think he represents the working class.


Real, actual people will lose their coverage and some of them will DIE if ACA is repealed, but hey, tax cuts for the rich, so it’s all good. Seriously, this is where Cruz’s “pitchforks” should be coming out. Beyond disgusting, especially coming from these so-called Christians.


This is a great idea. But in place of taxes, we should just charge these people for the services the country provides. Say, $600 billion a year for global security services (the military), $1.2 trillion a year for use of public infrastructure, and $2 trillion for the natural services they consume or rely on such as water, air, soil, etc. Oh, and no more free riding or legislative capture. If a congress person confers a structural benefit, you get charged full price like everybody else. And similarly if the congress person tries to benefit, they return that benefit to the state.

After a while, they’ll be begging for taxes.


Here is a second opinion on how easy this wil be. How much clout do insurance companies have?



No, because it’s all ‘lies’. I just had a conversation w/an old family friend who voted Trump because he can’t stand the Clintons, and he insisted that no, of course the Republicans aren’t going to repeal Medicare, that’s just the media trying to scare people. So is the rise in hate crimes by 30% over this time last year in NYC. The NYPD is obviously lying because they hate Trump.

The NYPD is a bunch of liberals now, to Trump voters. They are that invested in their denial, because they can’t possibly let themselves believe that the guy they voted for really is the dangerous narcissistic megalomaniac that he demonstrated himself to be time and again on the campaign trail.


Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the billionaires in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of offshore tax havens”


This is not a surprise. But I wish there were surprises.

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Glad to see that the Republican proposal offers nothing to entice anyone to vote for it.

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In the mean time
In between time
Ain’t we got fun

(rich get rich and the poor get poorer)

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His voters just don’t get it that rich people would never vote against their own self interests/money for principles. That’s why they are rich and counting their money while Trump voters put on their hats.


Good observation. But let’s wait a bit. Trumpism needs to deliver at least some of its promises, particularly the promise that these people will die wealthier than their parents. Given that many Trump supporters are not highly educated, they face a double competition with robots and foreign workers for many tasks that currently pay wages. In the UK, for example, the Bank of England estimated that about 40% of workers risk losing their job to a robot. Some of our largest firms have relatively few employees. Facebook, for example, has a market cap of $380 billion and employs 15,000 people. My sense is that if you think these people were angry when they made this protest vote, they’re going to be even more angry when they figure out they’ve been hornswoggled.


Oh, so that’s the definition of “populism” meant by Trump and the Repubs!!

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Well, I am truly shocked. I’m sure that, having become aware of this, Republicans will immediately reconsider and just leave the ACA in place until new legislation providing better, affordable, comprehensive health care coverage to all Americans is drafted and agreed to on a bi-partisan basis.


Like white males, these people have been persecuted long enough.


[quote=“riverstreet, post:24, topic:48252, full:true”]
As Jesus said in Matthew 25:36

I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me, I was in the 1% tax bracket and you cut my taxes.
[/quote]The New Revised Republican version now says: “I needed clothes and you said fend for yourself, work harder, bust the union, and screw the minimum wage; I was sick and you took away my health care, and told me the insurance companies need to be set free from regulations; I was in prison and the stock of for-profit prison corporations went up; I was in the 1% tax bracket and you cut my taxes.”


I respectfully disagree. Trump cultivated anger in his supporters and those that voted for him. Anger blinds people to their best interests, sometimes to the point of ruining their own lives. It’s like the guy that shoots a kid for egging his car. He’s going to jail for a very long time for doing it, but in the moment his anger controls him. Combine that rage with a cult of personality. Jim Jones convinced people to commit mass suicide because it was their only way to avoid the persecution of the wider world around them, and as a show of loyalty to him.
So, we have angry people caught up in a cult of personality. Trump OWNS these people. He can do no wrong. Interviews reveal his voters know he’s a liar, knows he’s made promises he can’t deliver on, knows not to take him literally, don’t care if he’s essentially conducting a grift operation from within the Oval Office. They’ll look you in the eye and say none of that matters. And why doesn’t it matter? Because the mere election of Trump “stuck it to the man”. It vanquished that bitch Hillary. It pissed off liberals and Democrats. Made the dirty fucking hippies sad. Trump supporters could end up sleeping under a bridge and the comfort drawn from those aspects of Trump’s win will tide them over.

PS-Why do you think Trump has let it be known he wants to continue to travel and do post-victory campaign rallies? Because whatever is going on behind the curtain won’t matter so long as he continues to stoke that anger in his supporters. Which CNN and Fox will breathlessly report on. Every single rally.