Discussion: 'Surfer Republican' Is Russia's Unlikely Advocate In Congress

Rohrabacher’s view changed when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991,
and Russia emerged as a different country.
Although he acknowledges that opposition leaders face repression in Russia,
he also says the country allows religious freedom and is generally more open than its predecessor.

Yet LGBTs still live under threat of incarceration.
Sounds like ®ussia is a conservative paradise.



WTF is a ‘surfer Republican’ and if no one KNOWS then what does it matter what he calls HIMSELF for the purposes of this story? He is a dick. He is NOT for America’s interest. He is an obstructionist. We can have differences of opinion without knocking OUR country down…lord.


And when you peruse through the vote records of the UN, albeit time consuming …

One may get a different impression ----


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Authoritarian worship is a pattern for Rohrabacher. Fifteen years ago, he was the taliban’s unlikely advocate:


Rohrbacher is full of shit. The concept of freedom is a foreign one in Russia where opposition leaders and media figures are systematically murdered directly on Putin’s orders.


Check his assets and follow the money.


the only thing he surfs is porn sites

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He was also, in times past, a huge proponent of the mujahedein. Weird. I see that another poster also referenced this, and includes a link.


Too, too unfortunatly he is my Congressmen, and an utter disgrace. You are so correct about his fascination with authoritarian figures and regimes.


It’s not that bad there…but it sure as hell ain’t what a GOP’er should be hyping. It’s big cities are beautiful but most of the people in them are miserable ( been there many times ) . Putin hangs on to power and approval there the way Trump does…manipulating that misery and casting the fault for it on his political opposition. It’s working much better in Russia than in the USA but it’s going to come apart there just like it is here.

Rohrbacher’s right about the pointlessness of the hostility between the USA and The Russian Federation. As global as the world is today and with the Third world catching up there really isn’t a role for a global hegemon anymore. And no reason to bash each other in search of that position. Russia has a lot of problems and so does the USA. There is nothing either gets in help for a solution to those problems by the status quo bellyaching.

I think the man is full of shit about the rocket thing though.

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Sue Savary, a liberal from Newport Beach, is running against him. Last election season there was a lawsuit filed against him, he rented an expensive home and left it an utter mess. Some shenanigans about paying a very low rent. Never found out what happened, he is slimy. The OC, hot vpbed of conservatism, but the demographics are changing.

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What does he surf? Porn sites?

Rohrabacher is steeped in corruption and depravity and has been ever since he started out running dirty tricks out of the basement of the Reagan White House. Involved with Ollie North’s Iran-Contra illegalities and Jack Abramoff and Tom Delay’s P4P crime spree his is beyond a doubt the most sordid record of any current member of Congress. It goes without saying that Rohrabacher is a cheerleader for Putin and his authoritarian crime cartel. No doubt handsomely compensated for his efforts on behalf of the Kremlin. With Rohrabacher reactionary ideology and personal avarice always go hand in hand.


Conservatives, like our surfing congressman who never surfed, have a real respect for Putin. After all- Putin sure knows how to deal the the GD media and the GD labor unions and the GD environmentalists and the GD liberals— all those who our conservatives also love to loath. And Putin can quickly dispatch them all something our conservatives cannot do.

He may really believe what he’s peddling. And the tooth fairy may be real.

More likely, he’s been paid. The question is, how.

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I think he’s stupid and crazy enough to believe. Some people really love strongmen.

Another Republican who’s seen into the soul of a murderous authoritarian and is sure he’s as pure as the driven snow.

Why are Republicans so eager to turn America over to Putin?

Why are republicans so eager to turn America over to Putin? The answer is money, they have been bought.

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[quote=“jw1, post:2, topic:40050, full:true”]Yet LGBTs still live under threat of incarceration.
Sounds like ®ussia is a conservative paradise.[/quote]

LGBT’s live under threat of Death By Mob in Russia Also including a number of East European nations, in majority part driven by the Russian populations abandoned in those countries when the USSR collapsed. Not to give the native populations a pass on that, but the attitude was ground into the social fabric relentlessly ever since the first occupations began in WWI.

The Russians are abominations when it comes to human rights in general, and they are worse than enraged, unreasoning animals when it comes to sexuality issues. Apart from outright torture and murder of LGBTs, the methodical use of rape and sexual humiliation & violence (both female and male) by Russian police and other security forces is rampant.

No. Just. Fucking. No.

There has been no change, except for the worse. Inside Russia today it is every bit as horrible as the Soviets, but the flavor has changed to something even more depraved and animalistic. There is a very nihilistic, sociopathic fatalism that permeates the society in general, and it’s taken hard a turn toward the sadistic.

Rohrabacher needs to be removed from any government position in the U.S.

I’ll also point out, this is one of the unacceptable dangers of tRump. He and his children are deeply associated with the criminal elements of power and money in Russia. I think all that the tRump Klan sees is the money and the power and they really lack the basic intelligence and empathy to comprehend the corruption they are sucking up to.

Or, maybe more accurately … the Russian corruption is sucking up to them due to their alleges wealth. The Russians are parasites and trying to attach themselves to tRump. He’s little more than an arrogant fool with a heavy bank account, preening in their false admiration and unable to detect that they are sucking up to him so they can shove the knife home.

tRump is little more than a mark being set up for a sting by dozens of very dangerous bottom feeders. Yet he is so full of stupid and arrogance he thinks he’s the one playing them.
