Discussion for article #229943
And once again, the right wing shows why we can’t have nice things.
Adding, am I the only one that thinks the court is now going to be brazenly emboldened to resume ratfucking the country because of the election on Tuesday?
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
_________George Dumbya’ Bush aka “Shrub”
And his Republican and Con legacy…continuuuuuuuuuuues’
If they rule against the subsidies that will strike a blow to Obama’s signature law, rendering his Presidency, sadly, a failure.
Nope, the economy is improving so his presidency is not a failure.
So are they arguing that the 34 states that did not set up exchanges should also get subsidies? Or shouldn’t get them. I guess I’m not understanding it.
As I’m sure TheGhostofEustaceTilley will soon remind us in much-harder-to-read text, affordable health insurance, with guarantees that everyone can buy it, is tyranny, and must be stopped!
No sadly, its going to f-up a whole host of rednecks in Kentucky, Arkansas and West Virginia where it is most needed!
But maybe losing the subsidy will wake up those folks…higher health insurance premiums to having no insurance at all!
It would not be surprising to see this court, that upheld the far more controversial and uncertain individual mandate, to choose to completely ignore the context and intent of the law, and kill the ACA by a strict reading of one poorly-worded sentence in the entire law.
The Five are that craven.
WOW. Cannon, Adler and the Supremes will go down in history as the perpetrators of the largest mass murder in the world.
I understand your point, but I hope the decision isn’t going to be falling that way.
Me too, but I have no faith that the five conservative justices will pass up a second chance to ruin the ACA.
The administration and the IRS says that all states get subsidies. The Cato institution says that states run through Healthcare.gov (instead of a state exchange) should not get subsidies.
The 3rd Circuit said the IRS is right and Cato is wrong, but it looks like the Supreme Court is going to overturn that. Which will effectively destroy Obamacare in most of the country.
Will John Roberts be taken to the woodshed by the other four for his fist vote?
The challengers are arguing that the wording of the law means that the federal subsidies for buying health insurance in the marketplaces are only valid in states that set up their own exchanges. In states that are using the federal exchange, subsidies cannot be used.
In essence, if the Supreme Court agrees with the challengers, people in most states (since only a minority run their own exchanges) would lose the subsidies, and therefore be unable to afford the health insurance that the ACA forces them to buy. And without the individual mandate, the law loses the larger risk pool that makes it sustainable.
I can’t conceive what kind of a person would actually work hard to deny health care to millions of people. But of course virtually the entire Republican Party consists of such persons.
Nah, they’ll be convinced to just blame Obama for conceiving a bad law.
Obama’s legacy is really not the primary thing to be concerned abut here. It’s what an adverse decision would do to the lives of the millions of people who are now depending on the law.
So how do the Supremes think the government will get the money back if they rule it unconstitutional?
Or is that the point?