Discussion for article #244849
Have any of the Usual Suspects started screaming the Supreme Court is full of liberals yet?
And by ‘full of liberals’ they mean ANY.
Its no surprise that Kenya controls Roberts’s court.
I’d love to see good old boy Arpaio run his department without any federal funds.
Cruz: This is clear that SCOTUS supports Kenya and not my birth place, Canada.
One look at that nose tells you he is probably half in the bag on a regular basis.
Republican = Moron. Duh!
Wonder if the good Sheriff will be voting for Cruz or not.
Irrelevanter and Irrelevanter.
Arpaio argued that the programs motivated immigrants to come to the U.S. He also said that the program would result in police arresting more undocumented immigrants for crimes, which would burden law enforcement and impact available jail space.
I love the implicit assertion that undocumented immigrants are unusually likely to commit crimes. Right wingers are certainly subtle.
I’m shocked that such a brilliant legal mind has failed to carry the day in a court of law…except, not really. Screw this a-hole and I do long for the day when he’s forced to wear pink pajamas.
Arpaio wold make a good running mate for Trump.
I’ll be very glad when this sheriff retires.
Aw. Let’s all send him a nice fruit basket.
Asshole Joe!
Man, it is embarrassing to be from AZ. At least I don’t live in Maricopa County!
Wait, he’ll appeal to a higher authority!
Oh, that’s right, he’s already at the end of his rope. Loser!
Sheriff Apile-O’ sh*t can now sashay out to Oregon and help Ammon Bundy now.
And…anyhoo’… Soon, Der Trumpenführer will appoint Judge Judy and the Cast of Duck Dynasty to the SCOTUS and fix this LIEbuuuural’ New York values’ activism and oppreshun’.
In better news for Arpaio, the makers of the Mr. Potato Head toy have lost their case claiming that Arpaio’s dumb antics have damaged the brand image of Mr. Potato Head and have brought disrepute upon all sentient-vegetable law-enforcement officers.
With a few mixed nuts he can choke on.