Discussion: Supreme Court Allows Texas Voter ID Law To Stand

Discussion for article #228988

We all knew this would happen…

And we are shocked by this… how?

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How else will they stop the scourge of non-white people voting?


If anyone believed elections in TEXAS were legal in the first place, they have not been paying attention.

Ratfkers. Period.


The thing about all the voter id laws is that the various state legislatures and AGs can’t produce evidence of actual voter fraud, Republican appointed judges don’t care about that either. The judicial branch is contaminated.


If by contaminted you mean corrupt.


I think there is a lot less to the Texas ruling than meets the eye. I would have included Student IDs, but the ID law is pretty similar to others currently enforced.

It is said to discriminate against minorities, but how? If you have ever been to Texas you know that public transportation is virtually non-existent. In the urban East where there is good public transportation, lots of people don’t have or need a driver’s license. In Texas you better have one if you ever want to go to a grocery store or to work. It could work a hardship on some older people, but probably not that many. It adds another check box on those working to GOTV.

Because it can and will be used to fire up the Democratic base. In the long run, I think this law is a net negative for Republicans.

I just looked it up. There is no fee for the Voter ID you can obtain at any of the DPS offices. I don’t see any reason to get too worked up about this law.

KochSwill be done…


Suppress. Suppress. Suppress.

Congrats, America. Lowest voter participation rate in industrialized world.

And Texas? Well, dead last in voter participation. Or dead first in suppression in SCOTUS newspeak.


Call out the vote suppressing males on the roberts court…Daily:
1.202.479.3000 or 1.202.479.3211

Cameras for The Camera Obscura.

Please note that this is not a ruling on the lower courts decision only on the stay put in place by the 5th district which argued changing the rules at this “late” time could not be allowed. The 5th still has to rule on the case itself. It is likely the three court panel will strike down the ruling. Whether the full 5th will hear it is problematic and is probably 50/50 whether it would rule for or against. Regardless, it will end up back at the Supreme’s doorstep probably sometime next year.


Rat bastards!

Our women on the Supreme Court rock. Thanks, Obama.

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They’re just respecting the original intent of the Founding Fathers that all voters should provide a 3D holographic photo and valid credit card.


And this surprises who ?

They’ve given up all pretense. Their message is clear: we want to return to the founding fathers’ principles where only rich old white men can vote.


I am truly shocked and dismayed because I am 70 years old, and this is not the country that I grew up in!


I’m shocked Breyer joined the majority.

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