Discussion: Sunni Militants Capture 2 Towns North Of Baghdad

Discussion for article #223887

How is this any different than the aftermath of Vietnam?..We left, North Vietnam overran the south and the country fell and…gee…which party was in power then?. This current situation is the result of trying to make a dam out of swiss cheese. If you plug one hole another will happen. Its time to deal with the fact that we screwed up in the first place thinking we could hold together a country that was created by the victors of WW1, not because of any national identity. Do you really want to spill more American blood there? Haven’t we learned our lesson yet?

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So, in Iraq, we must support the pro-Iranian dictator against the Al Qaeda forces, while, in Syria, we must support the Al Qaeda forces against the pro-Iranian dictator. Is everyone clear now?


More undated and uncaptioned photos from TPM. How about the barest minimum of journalism and put the caption, date, location on the photos you run, they come with the images.

When asked about the army’s lack of fighting spirit, Al-Maliki was heard saying: “As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

When Al-Maliki was asked where the rebels were he replied : “We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.”


And in Egypt we supported the anti-democratic military dictator against the democratically elected radical Islamist president…after we first supported him.


It was Democrats who got us into Vietnam and it was Democrats who voted to defund the war.

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Don’t worry everyone. Kerry expects “timely decisions” by Obama.

Sounds about right. Basically, we should let it all be. Screw them all.

Well, and all the Republicans who supported it.

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Eisenhower started our involvement in Vietnam via the French Indochina war, idiot.


Actually, TheNam started on Eisenhower’s watch, and continued until
Nixon & Ford cut and ran – just like Saint Ronny later did in Lebanon.

God Bless the United States of Amnesia


Total horseshit as usual. How can you always be so wrong when there is so much learning to be had today at your fingertips, you have no excuse.

Willfully ignorant doesn’t begin to describe a Fool like you.

Nixon could have ended it earlier but he chose to sabotage the peace talks President Johnson had started in order to get elected. Thanks to Tricky Dick when my ROTC days ended I received the gift of a free round trip ticket to kill people in an exotic land. And many of my brothers in arms were not alive for the return trip home.

I grieve whenever I think of what might have been if it was not for that lying ambitious asshole…and then there is theDICK Cheney…

Take off your pointy tin foil hat and read this Fool, there’s a history lesson in it for you.
