Discussion: Study: Voter Purges Spiked In States Previously Covered By Law Gutted By SCOTUS

And the partisan Supreme Court justices that enabled this will be absolutely gobsmacked that such behavior could be happening in our country where racism is over and everyone values the principle of “one person, one vote.”


A really good way to challenge a conservative SCOTUS is for attorneys who argue before the court to provide analyses in their briefs that the court was wrong and stupid. It is demonstrably the case that Citizens United, the voting rights act case and Roberts’ ruling on making medicaid optional were wrongly decided. They were wrong from both a legal analysis and a policy impact standpoint. Even on Roberts’ own terms the results were the opposite of what he argued. I find many of the judges do not understand economics, and do not understand race/public policy. They hide behind these elegant, ivory tower abstract arguments. Those are a substitute for doing hard research and analysis. Challenge these guys on their ignorance and you’ll get better results. Stop deferring to them. They’re morons on a lot of the issues that they’re weighing in on.


Obviously, there’s no cause and effect - no this then that - no if-not-for-removing-restrictions-then-nothing-would-have-happened.

It’s just a coincidence - that’s all.


S’all good, y’all. Racism is over.


I was going to say that the number of people surprised by these findings was rapidly approaching zero, but as sedonaz points out the number has probably reached the maximum value of 5.


We know the landscape. Now it is incumbent on Democrats to do the hard work of making sure their voters are registered and vote.


but, but now with Gorsuch on the bench wouldn’t Kobach and his merry purging band only have to say the magical words, “It’s my sincerely held religious beliefs that there are pagans on the voter rolls, and this is against my religious beliefs that white males are the true children of God.”


This is it, in a nutshell. Republicans are most successful not through messaging or policies or personalities but by restricting citizens’ right to vote.


I completely agree with this, but I still want to see a study of how many people tried to vote in 2016, but were turned away from the polls, with the reason stated in each case. My most prominent reason for questioning the effects of vote denial are the many assurances I heard that fateful night from people who kept saying Hillary would win MI “as soon as they count the votes from Detroit.” Apparently Detroit had been a hotbed of activity - but those many votes didn’t materialize, and I want to know why - but to extend that to every voting location. How many of us were not allowed to vote, even though we tried? It matters.


“Study: Voter Purges Spiked In States Previously Covered By Law Gutted By SCOTUS”

Duh! That was what Roberts was trying to facilitate when he gutted the voting rights act

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Combine this with Russian attempts to change the voter rolls for active voter registrations and we have a shitload of problems we can anticipate come the midterms. So not only will these jurisdictions not count provisional ballots that have been removed from the voter rolls but they will be rejected for whatever changes are made through hacking attempts that have been implemented through deceit and shenanigans by the Ruskies. A fucking two-fer.

Insane. I’m convinced SCOTUS intentionally walks around with blinders on.

The problem with kyber900’s post is it seems like he is suggesting we fight by the Marques of Queensberry rules in response to the other side kicking us in the groin. That is I disagree that these decisions are out of ignorance but in my view are evil. That is economics be damned, the current majority on the Supreme Court is not conservative but Republican and will do whatever to help Republicans. Therefore challenging the Republicans on the Supreme Court on their ignorance, the constitution has, and will, have no effect. Rather, we must challenge them for being evil because evil hates exposure.

A good example is Roberts and Obamacare. The only reason Roberts did not vote with the other 4 Republican justices to find Obamacare unconstitutional is it would have made a joke of the “Roberts” court. Therefore he found a way to uphold the law and make it more difficult to administer and easier to overturn.

So I disagree that facts will matter to the Republicans on the Supreme Court because they really do not give a damn about facts or the constitution but merely want their side to hold power. Sandra Day O’Conner admitted as much when she expressed her regret for voting to stop votes in Florida from being counted saying she did it because she thought Bush would be a better president than Gore, an explicit admission that her vote was partisan and not based on the constitution.

Therefore continuing to play by rules and treat the current members of the Supreme Court as tradition while those members piss on tradition will not work. However, attacking them personally, put them and more importantly everyone else on notice, and I believe you will have some success.

I’m suggesting the opposite. I’m suggesting not playing by the rules of convention and instead attack the justices as ignorant fools. They think the robe makes them geniuses. We accept and defer to their intellect even if we disagree with their judgments. That’s the problem. If you give them that cover of intellect, they have a license to render bad, politically motivated and generally stupid decisions.

Attack their intellectual acumen. Challenge them as idiots. Embarrass them. That’s how you get these folks to change. No one wants to look or be like Louis Gohmert except Louis Gohmert, particularly in the legal profession.


That’s a fair and important question. I also think equal voting rights should include similar and reasonable wait time. In my comfortably conservative suburb my wait time at the polling site is 0-15 minutes. I honestly don’t know that I would wait an hour, much less 6-8, particularly not if it was costing me a day’s pay. (I will do whatever it takes this November, trust me)

Restricted polling sites and voting machines is an often under-appreciated aspect of voter suppression.

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I sure hope that all of these people that where purged get registered again. Im sure it was probably 99 percent democratic voters.

I would also say that all of these people that show up and arent on the rolls should be allowed to submit a provisional ballot. The government should be required to then look at the entry that was purged by that voter and add that back in. This would be a legitimate vote.

This should not take the voter sitting in the voting offices a few days. It should be quick.

The GOP does every thing they can to win. Suppress votes, get russian money for campaigns, russian hacking, illegal contributions, gerry mandering on a large scale, etc, etc.

And to that point I disagree. That is I do not disagree with pointing out the obvious errors and lies (we should call them what they are) in their opinions. But stupidity is often used as a cover for evil. So in my view we should not give credence by discussing seriously the obvious flaws and lies but rather state exactly why, what it the real motivation behind their opinions.