Discussion: Study: Puerto Rico Hurricane Death Toll Over 70X Greater Than Official Count

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Textbook shock doctrine. Let 'em all die off then turn the island into a Trump resort.


To paraphrase Kanye, Donald Trump doesn’t care about Puerto Rican people.


“70 times the official count of 64 casualties, adding a lowball figure of at least 4,645 unrecorded deaths.”

Over two and a half times Hurricane Katrina’s death toll of 1,833.

“Trump’s Katrina” doesn’t even begin to describe this willful atrocity…


Shouldn’t this be the headline everywhere? 4k dead Americans, for christ sake.


To put this in perspective, Hurricane Katrina, which basically decimated the Bush Administration, killed an estimated 1836 people. These numbers are horrifying, and yet, it really doesn’t seem this Administration or the media truly care.


Hmmm, wonder why …


“Despacito” doesn’t even begin to describe Trump’s response to the suffering in Puerto Rico.


So instead of Truthful Hyperbole we have Untruthful Meiosis.


Trump, October 3, 2017, while taking his self-congratulatory victory lap in Puerto Rico:

“Every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here and what is your death count? Sixteen people, versus in the thousands,” Trump said. “You can be very proud. Sixteen versus literally thousands of people.”

Haven’t heard any updates from him since. But, he made the obligatory trip and then immediately forgot about it.

Have some paper towels.


It is a deep ocean they have to cross to get there.


“Big water. Ocean water.”

~ Hair Furor


I doubt many Puerto Rican refugees would want to relocate to Visalia, but their vote would sure be helpful in CA-22.

P.S. This is my mental image of Grapes of Wrath.


This is our cautionary moment in U.S. history. We’ve been told by the GOP for decades the government isn’t here to save you-bullshit. A competent government would have a plan, a plan with the best worst scenario defined. Well this is it.
Again Hawaii you’d better have a better plan than what FEMA has. Alaska you’re a little better off, and how’s your relationship to Canada?

This is Kirstjen Nielsen having learned nothing. The people around during Katrina who are still in FEMA learned nothing. We need to name and question those who had the power during Maria.



Paper towels will solve this problem.

Thank you TPM for posting this article. The aftermath of Maria in PR should never be forgotten.
American citizens literally left to die unattended. The “greatest nation” …

Oh Lordy, where does it all end?


I think I need to change my avatar…too cheerful.
But I am a Forlan admirer…so maybe not.

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Those cheap bastids in the WH…building shelters for paranoid fkwads…dining room tables for wannabe politicians…grifting aholes building up their brand(s) for when they are thrown out of office and then LYING about the amount of dead people in PR so they don’t have to send help. LOCK 'EM UP!!!


Nearly 5000 dead and the administration has nothing to say and very little to offer. In contrast, DJT’s signature issue is to spend billions on a wall to prevent a parade of horribles that largely exists in the minds of racists only. Just reprehensible.


From October 2017, "On his trip, Trump told Puerto Rico governor Ricardo Rosselló that he should “be very proud” of the relief efforts, explaining, “Sixteen versus literally thousands of people. You can be very proud.” (Hurricane Katrina took 1,833 lives.)

Having a lower death toll than your Republican predecessor in the crisis you are mismanaging is perhaps not the best thing to brag about. George W. Bush’s response to Hurricane Katrina is one of the most shameful and morally abject moments during his time in office."

Yeah, Trump should be very proud of his response to Maria. If I was an american citizen living in Puerto Rico, I might consider moving to Florida if I could register to vote just to screw this man who left a US territory and American citizens fighting for themselves for almost a year with little to no help. This administrations response to this disaster is another negative remark when it comes to disaster response.

The GOP has plenty of money for tax cuts to the wealthy with little cuts for the rest of us, the GOP has plenty of time to talk about the border wall (which already exists) and illegal immigration but little time to ensure families stay together (toddlers and their mothers or father or siblings), and the GOP has plenty of time to call the Mueller Investigation a witch hunt despite the over 75 charges and 5 guilty pleas and over 22 people ensnared in the investigation.

The GOP has no time for government, only tough talk will do with their base. Fear and Anger, fear and anger, rinse and repeat.