Discussion: Study: Political Uncertainty Driving Two-Thirds Of 2018 O'Care Premium Increases

This will be the subject of all the Sunday political talk shows.

Believe me.

It’s what’s known as a self-fulfilling prophesy. Republican’ts run on a platform of “Government is broken!” Then they get elected and break it…

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Just remember this, Republicans, the next time you hear a conservative defending the “free market.”

Conservatives don’t believe in a free market.

Their government is going to drive the insurance industry. They’ve already tried to drive doctors out of business – when they weren’t busy shooting them.

Do you want to explore innovative solutions to climate issues? Sorry, Republicans want you to believe there’s no market. They want to tell you what to manufacture and where you can do it.

Free market. It’s a fake Republican concept.

Funny how the fact that Health Insurance Company profits rose by 40% this year and executive bonuses increased by over 100% and are now more generous than Wall Street banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

The Health Insurance Companies are having a gold rush and the Republicans are about to make them richer than the giant oil companies.

I wonder why people are hitting the tipping point and violence is increasing across the country. The bottom 90% of the population is so screwed in the US!