Discussion: STUDY: House GOP O'Care Repeal Bill Cuts $43B From Children's Medicaid

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But…but…but…Trump said his plan would be cheaper and better.
OH, he meant cheaper for the government and thus, better for the 2 percenters tax cuts.


After all the wealthiest 1% need that money far more than the children.


…and now for an oasis of Calm amid the furies…Pentatonix 'Hallelujah"


“If those kids don’t like it, they shouldn’t have stayed home on election day.”


The AHCA is also going to cut $$$ from children WITH disabilities. I know that it’s been a heavy news flow, but I’d like to see someone outside disability orgs mention that it CUTS FUNDING TO PAY FOR SPEECH, PHYSICAL, AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIES BY SCHOOLS.


Every life is sacred. Until you’re born. Then you can take personal responsibility for choosing the wrong parents, gender, skin color, religion, sexual preference or gender identity and EFFING DIE! (As Jesus, no doubt, intended…)

Where is the CBO report on the final version of the bill?


“Tinkering with the nuts and bolts”

The House rust bucket has no nuts and bolts.

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It comes out next week.


All of that money I earned from bilking old people out of their retirement, or causing people to lose their homes thanks to the toxic mortgages I sold them, or shipping their jobs to China, or screwing them out of healthcare, I EARNED THAT!

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What is more important taking care of sick children or putting money in the pockets of his rich donors. Ryan and his family know where the priorities lay.

Ryan is making his move–From Granny Starver to Child Starver.

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If they’d have stayed home instead of going to college like the elitists that they are, thye might have voted! But nooooooooo, voter suppression would not allow them to vote where they were enrolled.

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We don’t need no more of them damned poor kids on the dole, speshilly if there dark skinned illegal immigrunts, by God!

The Russia cover-up, as Kevin’s ‘joke’ illustrates, sinks this…ah, ‘family’.

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one thing Republicans do very well is inhibit lawful US citizens from voting

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Live in a RED State, ask your congresscritter if they will support the billions of dollars lost to their States economy. In TX, it is $5.1B, a 22% cut. That is not a hair-cut, that is a beheading.


As an American, I couldn’t be prouder of the heroic sacrifice these kids are making on behalf of those who are disabled by great personal wealth. After all, how important is basic health care for a child compared to the horrible privation of owning only one vacation home in Europe?


This is what evil looks like…Heartless, smug and self-serving assholes like RAyn, that will do anything, ANYTHING to give tax breaks to the rich. That’s been his only objective since becoming a US House Representative from day one. As the leader of the House, he’s been a total embarrassment for anyone that gives a shit about anything good and decent this country has ever done for the vast number of its citizens, especially those who have the most needs among us.