Kobach is bad, but even just worse news came across the wires: That person wants Steve Fucking Bannon as Chief of Staff.
This guy is smart and pure evil.
I’m scared and sick to my stomach about this.
“I’m a member of the immigration policy transition team and there’s going to be a lot to do there in part because Mr. Trump and Mr. Obama are diametric opposites when it comes to immigration policy so there will be a lot of changes,” Kobach told KWCH on Wednesday.
Folks were warned, yet here we are
Good to see Trump finally pivot after the election…
At the very least I think Democrats can make an argument that Trump, Bannon and the rest of his staff should be required to use government email servers, which keeps them open to FOIA requests.
The Night of Long Knives 2016 begins.
No one should be surprised by this. Next up . . . John Husted as Federal Elections Commissioner.
Oh happy crap. It’s not enough that this jerk and Brownback almost singlehandedly destroyed one of the fifty states, NOW they are taking on ALL of t hem? Are they still going to pretend to be the ‘party of small government’ while they destroy it all?
Christie, Gingrich, Giuliani, Palin, Kobach…
Oh fuck.
Internal executive branch communications are generally considered privileged, so no.
I would be very surprised if he were not nominated to run the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department
We need to get an immigration underground for these people. We could all play and they would have to arrest us by the millions.
Folks Kris Kobach is the entity who wrote Arizona’s SB 1070 “your papers please” law even though he does not live here. Bad dude…very very bad dude.
Don’t forget Bannon
I actually heard one talking head say that Trump is considering Jamie Dimon (of Chase fame; he was the guy dancing and drinking when the economy collapsed in 2008) for Treasury Secretary.
I wonder when Kobach’s family immigrated to America. I’ll bet my next 6 Social Security checks my family’s been here a bunch longer than his.
Welp, here comes the tsunami o’ shit.
He’s not “draining the swamp” per his campaign ads, so much as turning Washington into a swamp of hate, corruption and degradation.
This is scrapping the barrel and so many people are hoping for a miracle. It ain’t going to happen as all signs pointing to Republican values of greed, intolerance, racism and voter suppression carrying the day.