She should have stated she had a religious objection to the hat. They love that, right?
Some lady says that some dude got fired. That sounds like a hard fact to me!
So a company can ban customers if they’re gay, but not if they wear racist paraphernalia?
I believe that, even in Kansas, an ordinary 14 year old hears F U multiple times a day.
To quote a famous comedian about what the employee did: I don’t condone what he did, but I UNDERSTAND.
I’m sorry, but only one side is allowed to get angry, and that’s Trump’s aggrieved whitey-white side.
Whether the company can is another question (probably the answer is yes), but it’s the employee’s actions that are at issue, not the company’s.
It’s not up to an employee to police headwear (or other clothing) in the store, no matter how personally offensive. If he/she was fired, the store was completely in the right.
But why is that snowflake mom trampling on others 1st amendment rights?!?!? (snicker)
What ISN’T the matter with Kansas?
Ever wonder what the difference is between those two pieces of headgear? Well, the only difference is one was “Made in America.”
Not enough details in this article to make an educated snark.
The gym I attend is rather pricey, sets high standards for membership. A woman was in attendance with a t-shirt that had a highly offensive message, one that included a profanity, among other inflammatory messaging. A gym attendant took it upon herself to inform the woman she could remove or cover her shirt, or leave. The attendant was empowered and trusted by management to make such a judgment and take action.
Had the member become angry and insisted the attendant be disciplined or fired there would have been about 100 of us that made our opinions known, in the clearest of terms, that the employeee was in the right.
A MAGA hat represents vile, xenophobic, racist ideas. The employee was in the right.
Shunning and ostracism are lost arts in my opinion. Wearers of MAGA hats deserve both.
On the other hand, if I owned a retail outlet in or near Overland Park, Kansas, I’d seek out that employee and hire him/her with a pay bump.
I agree fully that wearing a MAGA hat is a sign of deep stupidity and/or bigotry, but the fact that this was a store open to the public, without membership fees, makes it a different situation. (Note: IANAL.)
My gym is within a medical complex open to the public, with a central entry way/foyer clients of both pass through to go about their business.
…was posted by a Twitter account called Red Nation Rising.
Sounds like an unbiased, sane person’s account to me!