Discussion: Stone's Supposed Assange Intermediary Released From House Intel Interview

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Stone, what a piece of work!


This motherfucker “wanted to protect” conversations he had with Assange? Fuck this dirty traitor. He should be in shackles. Those dirty Republicans will let him just walk too


Declassified US Air Force counter-intelligence documents, released under US freedom-of-information laws, reveal that:

“The US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States – the same legal category as the al-Qaeda terrorist network [and] military personnel who contact WikiLeaks or WikiLeaks supporters may be at risk of being charged with ‘communicating with the enemy’, a military crime that carries a maximum sentence of death

Lock up every single one of these fake-patriot, Kremlin-loving, election-hacking, Trump-enabling traitors.

Including Credico, Stone, Don Jr., and every other anti-American collaborator with treason on their hands.




Oh wait
wrong patsy


Ruh roh, Randy.


All manner of slime will be guests of the state in the next 6-9 months.




The wheels on the bus go flying off
flying off
flying off
the wheels on the bus go flying off
aaaaaall thru the toooown


Leave no Stone unturned, Mueller.


If he can’t handle Nunes, how’s he going to handle Mueller? I imagine Mueller will have something on him, thereby compelling him to testify.


It’s not that this pal of Roger Stone’s would be afraid of saying something that would incriminate him, heavens no. It’s just a lifelong tendency to be considerate, yes, and circumspect. “If you can’t say anything nice,” his mom used to say, “take the damn Fifth.”


I was singing that song to myself last night. heehee


When you were all in for some amateur hour ratfucking, but then the law caught up to you.


The goons below the bus go bump bump bump
bump bump bump
bump bump bump
the goons below the bus go bump bump bump
till there are no more.


The ride is far from over for Randy Credico.


“If they want to go charge Randy with something, then let them do it, not with his own words,” Stolar told Mother Jones. “I’m not saying he’s a criminal suspect in anything But that is what the Fifth Amendment is for, to protect against self-incrimination.”



A pink tie with a yellow shirt. Both hideous. Worse together. This is all I need to know about him.


I think this is one of the biggest stories of the week. It is being obscured by insane ad hominem attacks against Mueller, the tax bill and the victory in AL-SEN.

By pleading the 5th Credico is allowing us to assume that he was in fact a conduit that ran from RU Intel - Wikileaks - Credico - Roger Stone - Trump Campaign. He is also allowing us to make a fair assumption that this communication line didn’t just involve the exchange of Borscht recipes from Putin’s grandma.

We know that Roger Stone admitted (on Twitter) that he knew of the Podesta hack several weeks before the info was released on Wikileaks. It’s seems clear that he learned that from Wikileaks. We also know that Russia ordered the hack and we also now have a witness in court who has testified to doing the hack on the orders of the FSB.

Roger Stone likely talked directly to the campaign about what Russia had and how they planned to use it. The campaign welcomed the news and likely made some adjustments in strategy in expectation of that help. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump campaign called Wikileaks (through Junior) to ask for those emails to be released following Access Hollywood. Credico has a story to tell.

I am also seeing a number of rumors that point to something big happening in #trumprussia, maybe even as early as Friday. My read of it is that it may be Jared Kushner’s time in the barrel. I don’t know whether this involves an indictment, a guilty plea, or the release of a definitive WAPO piece that will do to Kushner what WAPO did to Roy Moore’s campaign. It could also be a major IC leak as revenge for all the crap that Trump has been doing to besmirch Mueller and the FBI. But this doesn’t feel like a big article or exposĂ© kind of thing. It feels like another major step in the investigation itself. This would explain the utter craziness from Trump and it fits the formula: attack at least 2 women or POC + Hillary + try some distraction/disruption = indictment or guilty plea to be announced.

I kinda think the whole Omarosa thing was staged to distract the media. Initially I thought it was to distract from the result in the AL-SEN race and to buy time for the tax bill. Now, I think it might be tied to #trumprussia. Given everything that happened in AL it’s easy to forget how monumental an event the guilty plea and cooperative agreement with Flynn is.