Please pass the popcorn.
Any chance she could order him literally gagged?
That could reoccur at any time.
Lock him up.
I like this better
“Stupid lapse of judgment” appears to describe roughly the entirety of Roger Stone’s life.
Will there be a publicly released transcript of this proceeding? Also, who does the questioning? The Judge Berman Jackson? I could see this questioning resulting in something akin to the Alex Jones testimony where, if I recall correctly, he conceded (or claimed) that his schtick was a big act for entertainment.
editing to add that it was in alex jones divorce case.
Just a reminder, his Instagram account has 45,000 followers and around 7,000 following at any given time (quick Google info). That initial image and text was seen by a lot of people before he pulled it.
Stupid lapse of judgment is this guy’s MO.
Stone is a sick and twisted and corrupt POS.
It is not often than contempt of court is quite so literal
Like that’s gonna save him.
I can honestly see, if the judge releases him on his own recognizance, as he’s walking out the courtroom, he yells ‘PSYCHE!!!’ indicating he didn’t mean it at all and he will continue on his path.
The judge cannot, cannot, cannot let this go. For one thing, how can he have a lapse of judgement when he’s never had any judgement in his life?
And a lot more as a result of the inevitable publicity it got and that Stone surely anticipated.
the too-small for your head hat is stupid - you need a wider brim with a suit - or der bingle model - not a weakly-modelled fedora
Hope she asks him about the use of the word “hitman” in the accompanying text… The crosshairs become a lot less innocent when paired with that.
He’s just borrowing the stand. He’ll return it as soon at the Nixon on his back tells him they’re through with it.
It’s probably going over a kevlar vest - but he needs a larger suit jacket - 2nd useless pocket at waistline just draws attention to the ill fit
Saying that his actions constituted “a stupid lapse of judgment” is an admission of wrongdoing, not a defense. He is now bargaining to avoid having his bail revoked.
To which Judge Jackson will reply: “No backsies.”